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- Both the Mosaic religion, and Christianity which it was reformed into, were proven with miracles.
- God showed Israel many miracles when they came out of Egypt such as the ten plagues with which God crushed Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, water from a rock, manna from heaven, stopping of the Jordan river, and the bringing down of the walls of Jericho.
- God likewise worked many miracles by Jesus and the apostles which confirmed that the words that they spoke were the very words of God (Mar 16:20 c/w Heb 2:3-4), such as turning water into wine, feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes, walking on water, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead, and speaking in unknown tongues.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Jesus was crucified and confirmed to be dead by witnesses (Joh 19:30-35).
- Jesus was resurrected from the dead three days later and was seen by witnesses who touched Him and ate with Him after His resurrection (Luk 24:36-43; Joh 20:26-29).
- The resurrected Jesus Christ was seen by hundreds of eyewitnesses (1Co 15:1-8).
- Jesus ascended into heaven in the sight of many witnesses (Mar 16:19; Act 1:9).
- These men who witnessed Jesus’ death and resurrection went to their graves as martyrs, rather than deny what they saw.
- Liars don’t make good martyrs.
An accurate description and explanation of human nature which is the opposite of all other religions
- Every religion in the world, save true, Biblical Christianity, teaches that contained in man himself is the will and means to elevate himself to a higher spiritual nature.
- True, Biblical Christianity teaches that man is spiritually dead and by nature a child of wrath (Eph 2:1-3) and has no goodness in him naturally (Rom 3:9-18).
- This teaching is confirmed by observation of children who are not restrained and allowed to act out their nature (Pro 22:15).
- In this natural state of spiritual death (Col 2:13), man cannot please God (Rom 8:8), do good (Rom 3:10), seek or understand God (Rom 3:11), understand spiritual things (1Co 2:14), or believe the gospel (Joh 10:26; 1Co 1:18).
iii. Having broken God’s law, man is under God’s judgment and is condemned (Rom 5:12,18).
- Therefore, if man is going to be saved from his sinful state, it cannot be by anything that he can do.
- This teaching on human nature and the extent of its depravity distinguishes true, Biblical Christianity from every other false religion in the world, including most of what claims to be Christianity.
- If man was to make up a religion, he would not make up one which teaches that he has absolutely no goodness in himself and is completely evil, which is evidence that Christianity and the Bible have divine, not human, origins.
- A plan of salvation which is the opposite of every other religion in the world (including most of what passes for Christianity)
- All the religions of the world teach that man is in some way responsible for his salvation.
- This can be by studying nature and learning wisdom in order to overcome suffering and enter nirvana in Buddhism.
- This can be by keeping religious rituals and doing good works in Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, and Mormonism in order to enjoy an eternity in heaven.
iii. This can be by believing in Jesus, or doing other things such as baptism or good works, in order to get eternal life and go to heaven in most of so-called Christianity (Protestantism, Pentecostalism, Non-denominationalism, and Arminian Baptists).
- All these religions teach that there is some goodness in man naturally, some spark of goodness which can be fanned into a flame of life and righteousness.
- In that true, Biblical Christianity teaches that there is nothing that man can do to change his spiritually dead nature, the way of salvation is monergistic, meaning that God alone saves a man from the condemnation his sin deserves and gives him eternal life.
- Monergism – 1. a. The doctrine of some Lutherans that regeneration is entirely the work of the Holy Spirit; opposed to synergism.
- Synergism – 1. Theol. The doctrine that the human will co-operates with Divine grace in the work of regeneration.
- True, Biblical Christianity teaches that God alone saves sinners, whom He has chosen (Eph 1:4), by His grace and mercy (Eph 2:4-5; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5).
- True, Biblical Christianity is the only religion in the world which teaches that God chooses the men whom He will save; all other religions teach that man chooses God in order to be saved.
- Eternal salvation is not of man’s will (Rom 9:16) or works (Rom 9:11-13; Rom 11:5-6; Eph 2:8-9).
iii. The Holy Spirit regenerates the dead spirit in man, an act which has nothing to do with the man’s works (Tit 3:5).
- Even if God’s elect are not faithful, God still preserves them by His grace and they can never be lost (though they will be chastened in this life) (Joh 10:28-29; Rom 11:28-29; 2Ti 2:13; 2Ti 2:18-19).
- If man was to make up a religion, he would not make up one which teaches that he has absolutely nothing to do with his salvation, but would at least give himself some part to play in it, which is evidence that Christianity and the Bible have divine, not human, origins.
- There are really only two religions in the world: the “do religion” and the “done religion.”
- All the world religions including most of “Christianity” is the “do religion”, meaning that you have to do something to be saved, such as believe something, acquire special knowledge, confess something, join a religion, do good works, get baptized, etc.
- True, Biblical Christianity is the “done religion”, meaning that when it comes to eternal salvation, God has done it all for His elect.
- The key to finding God’s true religion
- If one is to find the truth of God, he must first believe that God exists and that He rewards those who diligently seek him (Heb 11:6).
- He must approach God with the humility of a little child (Mat 18:3-4).
- Then that person must ask God for wisdom, nothing wavering (Jam 1:5-7).
- Next one must diligently seek for the knowledge of God (Pro 2:1-6; Mat 7:7-8).
- Finally, a person must do God’s will as best he knows how in order to know the true doctrine of God (Joh 7:17).