"Two Everythings" Sermon Series

The following sermon and video blog series cover the two aspects (temporal and eternal) of all things related to salvation. These sermons and video blogs will help you to rightly divide the word of truth.
Two Everythings (Sermons)
These are full length, thorough explanations (approximately 1 hour) of the Two Everythings.
- Two Everythings (Part 1) - Two Salvations (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 2) - Two Justifications (Effectual and Evidential)
- Two Everythings (Part 3) - Two Forgivenesses (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 4) - Two Reconciliations (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 5) - Two Sanctifications (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 5) - Two Sanctifications (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 6) - Two Purifications (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 7) - Two Callings (Effectual and Gospel)
- Two Everythings (Part 8) - Two Comings to God (Eternal/Passive and Temporal/Active)
- Two Everythings (Part 9) - Two Knowings of God (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 10) - Two Receivings of the Spirit (In Regeneration and By Faith)
- Two Everythings (Part 11) - Two Damnations (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 12) - Two Perishings (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 13) - Two Deaths (Spiritual/Eternal and Physical/Temporal)
- Two Everythings (Part 14) - Two Resurrections (Bodily and Spiritual)
- Two Everythings (Part 15) - Two Israels (Natural and Spiritual)
Two Everythings (Video Blogs)
These are short explanations (approximately 10 min) of the Two Everythings.
- Two Everythings - Two Salvations (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Justifications (Effectual and Evidential)
- Two Everythings - Two Forgivenesses (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Reconciliations (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Sanctifications (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Purifications (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Callings (Effectual and Gospel)
- Two Everythings - Two Comings to God (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Knowings of God (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Receivings of the Spirit (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Damnations (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Perishings (Eternal and Temporal)
- Two Everythings - Two Deaths (Spiritual and Physical)
- Two Everythings - Two Resurrections (Spiritual and Physical)
- Two Everythings - Two Israels (Natural and Spiritual)