Answers to So-called Arminian Verses - John 3:16
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Answers to So-called Arminian Verses
- There are plenty of verses in the Bible that are frequently misunderstood to teach the doctrine of Arminianism, decisional regeneration, works salvation, freewill salvation, etc.
- People who believe in works salvation falsely interpret certain verses because they fail to understand a few fundamental scriptural truths, such as the following:
The difference between eternal and temporal salvation.
Eternal salvation is eternal, is caused and maintained by God alone, is not conditional nor dependent on a sinner’s will or works, and cannot be lost.
Temporal salvation is only for this life on earth, is dependent on a child of God’s faith and works, brings him into fellowship (not sonship) with God, and can be lost.
The usage of universal language such as all men, every man, and the world.
The Bible frequently uses universal words such as all, every, and world to refer to all men in a specific area, time, or context.
If a man were to interpret these words throughout the Bible as an Arminian does in his favorite verses, the scripture would be filled with contradictions and absurdities.
Considering the context (ex: To whom is the verse addressed: believers, or the unregenerate?)
The Bible is written to believers and churches, not to unregenerate sinners.
Reading the opening verses of most of the books of the New Testament establishes this fact.
Verses that are written to regenerate, believing church members are obviously not giving instructions to them on how to acquire eternal life.
III. Popular verses used by Arminians
Joh 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Who is the world whom God loved?
The world doesn’t always mean the entire human race in scripture (Luk 2:1).
World n. – The inhabitants of the earth, or a section of them.
Does God love all the inhabitants of the earth, or only a section of them?
If it can be shown from the scripture that God hates anyone, then that necessarily means that He doesn’t love everyone, which means that the world that He loves is only a section of the inhabitants of the earth.
Love v. – 1. a. trans. To bear love to; to entertain a great affection or regard for; to hold dear.
Hate v. – 1. trans. To hold in very strong dislike; to detest; to bear malice to. The opposite of to love.
God hates sinners (workers of iniquity) (Psa 5:4-5).
God not only hates wicked people who have rejected Him, He hates all sinners from the womb whom He didn’t elect to save (Rom 9:11-13).
Since hate is the opposite of love, God cannot both love the entire human race and hate many of them at the same time.
Therefore, the world whom God loved is a section of the human race.
God loves His elect whom He chose before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4; Rom 8:28-39; Jer 31:3).
Therefore, the world whom God loved is the world of His elect which is a section of the human race out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation: “the world” distributively, not collectively (Rev 5:9).
Who can believe in Christ?
All men are born dead in sin (Rom 5:12; Eph 2:1).
In this condition they can’t hear (Joh 8:43,47), understand (Rom 3:10-11), nor believe the gospel (1Co 2:14).
Only those which are saved can believe the preaching of the cross (1Co 1:18).
If a person believes in Christ, it’s only because he had already passed from death unto life prior to hearing it (Joh 5:24; 1Jo 5:1; 1Jo 4:15).
Therefore, whosoever believes in Jesus Christ shows the evidence that they shall not perish, but have eternal life.
It was God giving His Son, not their belief in Him, which saved the world of God’s elect and gave them eternal life (Rom 5:6-10; Rom 5:19; Rom 8:3; 2Co 5:21; Gal 4:4-5; 1Pe 2:24).
What does their belief accomplish?
Their belief doesn’t get them eternal life since only those who are saved and have eternal life can believe.
Their belief identifies them as part of the world whom God loved and for whom He sent His Son to die.
Joh 3:16 is not a formula to follow to get eternal life, but rather a wonderful promise to those who believe in Christ that they shall not perish, but have everlasting life.