Biblical Millennialism (Amillennialism)
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Biblical Millennialism
- For a refutation of Premillennialism and Postmillennialism, check out the following videos and sermon series:
Destroying Premillennialism in Less Than 10 Minutes
What’s Wrong With Premillennial Dispensationalism? (Animated Video)
Postmillennialism is Unbiblical
Millennialism, End Times, and the Reign of Christ (Sermon Series)
- Having already refuted Premillennialism and Post Millennialism, let’s look at Biblical Millennialism.
III. Biblical Millennialism can be summed up as follows:
The “millennium” the figurative amount of time between the first and second comings of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:1 c/w Rev 20:4 c/w Psa 50:10).
Jesus bound Satan at His first coming (Rev 20:1-3 c/w Col 2:15 c/w Mat 12:29).
The kingdom of God in which the saints reign with Christ during “the millennium” is the New Testament local church (Dan 2:44 c/w Mat 4:17 c/w Mar 1:14-15 c/w Luk 16:16 c/w Luk 7:29-30 c/w Mat 21:31-32 c/w Luk 22:29-30 c/w Heb 12:28).
The “church age” is the last age and will last until the last day of time (Heb 1:2 c/w 1Jo 2:18 c/w Heb 9:26 c/w Eph 3:21).
The saints will experience tribulation throughout “the millennium” (Joh 16:33 c/w Act 14:22 c/w 2Ti 3:12).
The tribulation will become more intense at the end when Satan is loosed for a little season (Rev 20:3,7-9).
The second coming of Christ will happen on the last day, at which time He will:
return to earth in the clouds (Mat 24:30 c/w 1Th 4:16).
resurrect the dead, of both righteous and the wicked, on the LAST DAY (1Th 4:16-17 c/w 1Co 15:52 c/w Act 24:15 c/w Joh 5:28-29 c/w Joh 6:39,40,44,54; Joh 11:24).
deliver up his kingdom to God by gathering His elect from the four winds of the earth to meet him in the air (1Th 4:16-17 c/w Mat 24:30-31 c/w 1Co 15:24).
destroy the devil and his armies who are gathered to make war with Him and His saints (Rev 19:19-21 c/w Rev 20:7-10).
destroy the heavens and the earth (Rev 20:11 c/w 2Pe 3:10-12).
judge the wicked and cast them into the lake of fire (Rev 20:11-15 c/w Mat 25:31-46 c/w 2Th 1:7-9).
create new heavens and a new earth (Rev 21:1-2 c/w 2Pe 3:13).
I’m honestly confused, rev 20 says the rest of the dead implying 2 resurrections but John 5 clearly only 1.
I recommend listening to parts 8-9 of the “Millennialism, End Times, and Reign of Christ” series where I stepped through Revelation 20 verse-by-verse and addressed that. You can find those sermons and the outline here: