Questions for Professing Christians (video blog)
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Questions for Professing Christians
I have some questions for professing Christians.
– If you didn’t decide to be born the first time, why do you think you can decide to be born again?
– If babies don’t have sin, why do some of them die?
– How can there be “nothing you have to do to be saved”, but if you do nothing, you will go to hell?
– How can a person have eternal life for only a few years until they lose it?
– How can spiritually dead people choose to become spiritually alive?
– How can there only be one way of salvation, and yet babies, the mentally handicapped, and the heathen tribes in the Amazon get saved in a different way than do intelligent American adults?
– How can God love the entire human race and hate many of them at the same time?
– How can God love the entire human race and damn most of them to burn in hell for all eternity?
– How can the Bible be the inspired, preserved, infallible word of God only in the original autographs which no longer exist?
– How can the NIV and the KJV both be the inspired, preserved, infallible word of God when the NIV has 17 fewer verses than the KJV?
– How could the law of Moses, which was only ever given to Israel, become binding on the Gentiles after Jesus abolished it?
– How can God be unfair to elect men out of every nation to save, and at the same time be fair to single out Israel to the exclusion of every other nation for 1,500 years?
– How could Jesus’ divine nature, which has no beginning, have been eternally begotten?
– How could men have pressed into the kingdom of God when it didn’t exist?
– How can American Christians preach the golden rule, and support the murder of 500,000 Iraqi children with sanctions in the 1990s?
– How can American Christians decry abortion, and at the same time support drone warfare which has killed hundreds of innocent children in countries which never attacked us?
– Why do Christians despise Muslims who believe that Jesus was a prophet, and at the same time respect, love, and financially support Talmudic Jews who believe that Jesus is in hell boiling in hot excrement?
– Why do Christians teach their children not to lie, and then lie to them about Santa Claus?
– How can Christians abhor sun worship, and at the same time celebrate the birth of the unconquered sun at Christmas?
– How can Christians detest witchcraft, while dressing up their daughter as a witch for Halloween?
These are just a few questions I have.