Wokism (Part 5) – Gender Identity (Part A)

January 7 2024

Series: Wokism


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Wokism (Part 5) – Gender Identity (Part A)

Gender Identity

  1. Definition
    1. Gender identity n. – A person’s internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female (
    2. “Gender identity is the personal sense of one’s own gender. Gender identity can correlate with a person’s assigned sex or can differ from it. In most individuals, the various biological determinants of sex are congruent, and consistent with the individual’s gender identity. Gender expression typically reflects a person’s gender identity, but this is not always the case. While a person may express behaviors, attitudes, and appearances consistent with a particular gender role, such expression may not necessarily reflect their gender identity. The term gender identity was coined by psychiatry professor Robert J. Stoller in 1964 and popularized by psychologist John Money.
    3. “In most societies, there is a basic division between gender attributes assigned to males and females, a gender binary to which most people adhere and which includes expectations of masculinity and femininity in all aspects of sex and gender: biological sex, gender identity, and gender expression. Some people do not identify with some, or all, of the aspects of gender assigned to their biological sex; some of those people are transgender, non-binary, or genderqueer. Some societies have third gender categories.
    4. “The 2012 book Introduction to Behavioral Science in Medicine says that with exceptions, “Gender identity develops surprisingly rapidly in the early childhood years, and in the majority of instances appears to become at least partially irreversible by the age of 3 or 4”. The Endocrine Society has stated “Considerable scientific evidence has emerged demonstrating a durable biological element underlying gender identity. Individuals may make choices due to other factors in their lives, but there do not seem to be external forces that genuinely cause individuals to change gender identity.
    5. “Essentialists argue that gender identity is determined at birth by biological and genetic factors, while social constructivists argue that gender identity and the way it is expressed are socially constructed, instead determined by cultural and social influences. These positions are not mutually exclusive, as an innate gender identity can be expressed in different ways in different cultures.” (Gender identity, Wikipedia, 6-12-2023)


  1. Gender identity ideology is an assault on God, the Bible, humanity, biology, language, and common sense.
  2. Definitions
    1. Gender and sex are synonyms.
      1. Gender n. – 1. Kind, sort, class; also, genus as opposed to species. 2. Each of the three (or in some languages two) grammatical ‘kinds’, corresponding more or less to distinctions of sex (and the absence of sex) in the objects denoted, into which substantives are discriminated according to the nature of the modification they require in words syntactically associated with them; the property (in a sb.) of belonging to, or (in other parts of speech) of having the form appropriate to concord with, a specified one of these kinds. Also, the distinction of words into ‘genders’, as a principle of grammatical classification. 3. transf. Sex.
      2. Sex n. – 1. a. Either of the two divisions of organic beings distinguished as male and female respectively; the males or the females (of a species, etc., esp. of the human race) viewed collectively.
    2. Men and women are distinct from each other and are of the opposite gender/sex.
      1. Man n. – II. 4. An adult male person. a. With special reference to sex.
      2. Male adj. – I. Of or belonging to the sex which begets offspring, or performs the fecundating function of generation.
      3. Fecundatetrans. To render fruitful or productive. b. esp. To make the female (individual or organ) fruitful by the introduction of the male element; to impregnate.
      4. Woman n. – I. 1. a. An adult female human being.
      5. Female adj. – I. Belonging to the sex which bears offspring.
    3. Pronouns are assigned by sex, not by choice.
      1. He pron. – I. A proper masculine pronoun of the third person, nominative case. 1. The male being in question, or last mentioned: Used of persons and animals of the male sex.
      2. She pron. – I. A proper feminine pronoun of the third person, nominative case. 1. The female being in question, or last mentioned. a. Used of persons of the female sex.
      3. They pron. – I. 1. As pronoun of the third person plural, nom. case; the plural of he, she, or it: The persons or things in question, or last mentioned.
      4. It is violation of the most basic rules of grammar, which even toddlers understand, to refer to a person of the male sex by the pronoun she or a person of the female sex by the pronoun he.
      5. It is indicative of mental retardation to refer to a single individual by the plural pronoun they.
  1. There are only two genders.
    1. In the beginning God made mankind male and female (Gen 1:27; Mat 19:4).
    2. There are no other genders.
    3. A person’s gender/sex is encoded into every cell of his body in his DNA.
      1. A man has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.
      2. A woman has two X chromosomes.
      3. There are no other options in the human genome (except in the case of rare mutations).
    4. Idiotic babblers attempt to prove that there are dozens of genders in “professional” journals, but sensible people will avoid and scoff at such tripe (1Ti 6:20-21).
  1. God defines gender roles.
    1. Gender roles are ordained by God.
    2. They are based on the physical differences between men and women.
    3. Male gender role
      1. Men are supposed to be:
        1. Providers (1Ti 5:8)
        2. Protectors (Luk 11:21; Mat 24:43)
        3. Leaders and decision makers (1Co 9:5; Eph 5:22-24)
        4. Commanders (Gen 18:19)
      2. Men are physically, mentally, and emotionally fitted for this role.
        1. Men are physically and emotionally stronger than women (1Pe 3:7) which enables them to be providers and protectors.
        2. Men think more logically and less emotionally than women which enables them to be leaders, decision makers, and commanders.
      3. Female gender role
        1. Women are supposed to be:
          1. Helpers of their husbands (Gen 2:18)
          2. Keepers at home (Tit 2:5)
          3. Bearers of children (1Ti 5:14)
          4. Nurturers of children (1Th 2:7; Tit 2:4)
          5. Of a meek and quiet spirit (1Pe 3:4)
        2. Women are physically, mentally, and emotionally fitted for this role.
          1. Women are wired to be more nurturing, caring, and compassionate than men.
          2. Women are physically weaker than men (1Pe 3:7) which fits them to do household work rather than more physically demanding work outside the home.

2 Responses

  1. Great message brother, I love how you drip sarcasm to show the foolishness of this ideology..
    I had a thought I wanted to share… The man in the tombs Jesus healed-the crazy one, cutting himself, howling, etc.. Isn’t it ironic he used plural pronouns to identify his demonic possession to Jesus? We are many- they/them…
    Could these crazies be under the same demon Legion and that’s why they use they plurals? Just a thought.. great message, keep bringing that fire brother. Much love in Christ

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