Wokism (Part 6) – Gender Identity (Part B)

January 14 2024

Series: Wokism


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Wokism (Part 6) – Gender Identity (Part B)

  1. God hates transgenderism.
    1. The following evil practices of transgender people are forbidden by the word of God:
      1. Crossdressing (Deut 22:5)
        1. Abomination n. – 1. The feeling or state of mind of combined disgust and hatred; abhorrence, detestation, loathing.
        2. God hates and is disgusted by those who dress as the opposite gender.
      2. Men acting like women (1Co 6:9; Jer 51:30) and women acting like men (Isa 3:12)
        1. Effeminate adj. – 1. Of persons: That has become like a woman: Womanish, unmanly, enervated, feeble; self-indulgent, voluptuous; unbecomingly delicate or over-refined.
        2. In that the Bible teaches that men are to not act like women, and women are told to act womanly, therefore it can be concluded that women are not supposed to act like men.
      3. Men having long hair and women having short hair (1Co 11:13-15)
        1. One of the ways that God intends for there to be a difference between the looks of men and women is hair length.
        2. Men with long hair and women with short hair cause confusion.
        3. God is not the author of confusion (1Co 14:33).
  1. Affirming foolish, childish tendencies rather than lovingly correcting them is evil.
    1. Foolishness is bound in children (Pro 22:15).
    2. Sometimes young children and adolescents become confused about their sexuality or gender.
      1. Some boys have tendencies toward being effeminate.
      2. Some girls have tendencies toward being masculine or “tom boys.”
      3. Such children should never be told that they are or might be the opposite gender of their biological sex.
      4. They should be lovingly encouraged to act like the gender/sex that God made them.
    3. Some children experience “gender dysphoria” when they are young and think that they are the opposite gender.
      1. Such children need their parents to be patient with them and let them grow out of it while teaching them the truth concerning gender.
      2. “But it is not true that gender dysphoria or “being trans” is similarly immutable. We know this, because before “affirmative therapy” was the vogue, gender therapists practiced “watchful waiting,” a therapeutic process whose goal was to help a child grow more comfortable in his or her biological sex. As we’ll see in the next chapter, watchful waiting was remarkably successful. Several studies indicate that nearly 70 percent of kids who experience childhood gender dysphoria―and are not affirmed or socially transitioned―eventually outgrow it.” (Abigail Shrier, Irreversible Damage, p. 118-119)
    4. Affirming a child’s delusional idea that he or she is the opposite sex is child abuse.
      1. Insane, idiotic psychiatrists and therapists instruct parents to follow and affirm their confused and emotionally unstable children in their gender transition journey, rather than lead them back to reality.
        1. “To support and affirm their child’s journey, Dr. Kaufman told me, parents must ‘believe what their child says, while also understanding both that it may or may not change over time and that part of that journey means staying in step with their child each step of the way and seeing where it goes.’” (Ibid, p. 104)
        2. Kaufman needs committed to an insane asylum.
      2. The most “prestigious” medical accrediting organizations have shown themselves to be completely corrupt and devoid of competence, medical knowledge, and plain common sense by endorsing “gender-affirming care.”
        1. “But the new ‘affirmative-care’ standard of mental health professionals is a different matter entirely. It surpasses sympathy and leaps straight to demanding that mental health professionals adopt their patients’ beliefs of being in the ‘wrong body.’ Affirmation therapy compels therapists to endorse a falsehood: not that a teenage girl feels more comfortable presenting as a boy―but that she actually is a boy.
        2. “This is not a subtle distinction, and it isn’t just a matter of humoring a patient. The whole course of appropriate treatment hinges on whether doctors view the patient as a biological girl suffering mental distress or a boy in a girl’s body.
        3. “But the ‘affirmative-care’ standard, which chooses between these diagnoses before the patient is even examined, has been adopted by nearly every medical accrediting organization. The American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association, and the Pediatric Endocrine Society have all endorsed ‘gender-affirming care’ as the standard for treating patients who self-identify as ‘transgender’ or self-diagnose as ‘gender dysphoric.’” (Ibid, p. 98)
        4. “Imagine if we treated anorexics this way. Imagine a girl―5’6” tall, 95 pounds―approaches her therapist and says: “I just know I’m fat. Please call me ‘Fatty.’” Imagine the APA encouraged its doctors to ‘modify their understanding’ of what constitutes ‘fat’ to include this emaciated girl. Imagine the APA encouraged therapists to respond to such patients, ‘If you feel fat, then you are. I support your lived experience. Okay, Fatty?’” (Ibid, p. 99)
      3. Wrong ideas are to be corrected, not embraced (Heb 12:9).
      4. The scriptures are given to us to correct us when we err (2Ti 3:16).
        1. Parents, and especially fathers should use the scriptures to correct errant thinking and bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4).
        2. Admonition – 1. The action of admonishing; authoritative counsel; warning, implied reproof.
        3. Admonish – 1. gen. To put (a person) in mind of duties; to counsel against wrong practices; to give authoritative or warning advice; to exhort, to warn.
        4. Therefore, fathers should admonish their children against wrong ideas or practices, not affirm them in them.
      5. Children need to be told when they are thinking incorrect and illogical thoughts.
      6. It is the parents’ job to bring up children in the way they should go (Pro 22:6), not to allow them to go in the self-destructive ways of this insane world.
      7. In her book Irreversible Damage, Abigail Shrier explains the importance of parents setting limits on their children’s behavior, even when it causes the children to get angry about it.
        1. “Sasha Ayad says that parents today are often afraid of upsetting their teens because they have the idea that their job is to ensure their child is “happy and perfectly adjusted and well-balanced 100 percent of the time.” Not only is that an unreasonable goal, it misunderstands the inherently tumultuous state of adolescence. Teenagers are supposed to get angry and emotional. Parents are supposed to set limits.
        2. “If you have a fight with your teenager, she might be angry with you, but she’ll feel the presence of a guardrail. Sometimes, just knowing it’s there may be enough. Your teenager may tell you she hates you; she may even believe it. But on a deeper level, some of her need for individuation and rebellion may be satisfied. If you eliminate all conflict through endless agreement and support, it may encourage her to kick things up a notch.” (Ibid, p. 213)
  1. The big lie the big liars tell parents
    1. Wicked, lying psychologists and psychiatrists tell parents that if they do not affirm their child’s idea that he or she is the opposite gender the child will commit suicide.
      1. Abigail Shrier talked about this in her book, Irreversible Damage.
      2. “At the gender clinic, Katherine joined a group of parents whose adolescent children had come forward with similar epiphanies. The gender therapist assured Katherine that using Maddie’s new male name and male pronouns was entirely reversible. There seemed no good reason not to affirm. And his verdict was resolute: “He said that my daughter was at high risk of suicide if I didn’t ‘affirm.’ He said that parental affirmation is the key―that’s the most powerful way to prevent her possible suicide. So that of course brought chills to me.”” (Ibid, p. 81)
      3. “In researching the theory and practice of gender-affirmative therapy, I spoke with a number of psychotherapists specializing in gender issues, including some who are transgender themselves. More than one told me it was not their job to question an adolescent patient’s stated gender identity, but instead to facilitate the patient’s range of options. One therapist’s website, I discovered, promises he will never serve as a “gatekeeper” between patients and their gender hormones or surgeries; he guarantees the same-day first-consultation letter of fitness for gender medical interventions. Another informed me that if I wanted to know anything about gender-affirmation therapy, I needed to speak to Randi Kaufman.
      4. “So what does Randi Kaufman believe transgender-identified teenagers need from their parents and therapists? “Well, what I would say is that there are certain things that transgender and non-binary adolescents really need for good mental health―and I’d say the single most important factor is to start with family support and acceptance,” Dr. Kaufman said. “There are studies that show that adolescent children who are supported by their family, the suicide rate drops dramatically and mental health increases and that gets borne out over time.”
      5. “Suicide rates are often cited by gender therapists as a reason to immediately affirm a child or adolescent’s stated gender identity and sometimes even as a reason to allow them to medically transition. Of course, the very prospect that their child might self-harm would bring all but the coldest parents to their knees. If adopting her new name and pronouns and buying her new opposite-sex clothing is what it takes to keep her alive, most parents would leap aboard the gender train. According to gender-affirming therapists, this is not only advisable, it is the bare minimum required for parental support.” (Ibid, pp. 102-103)
      6. ““I tell them that we can’t change the mind and so we have to change the body,” Dr. Kaufman said. “That’s sort of the nutshell. I would let them know that if someone identifies this way, it’s pretty rare that they would change their mind. We have known that we can’t socialize someone into or out of a gender.”
      7. “In this way, being transgender is like being gay, Dr. Kaufman explained to me. We know you can’t convert someone out of being gay. “So I would tell these parents, we can’t convert someone to being cisgender. They are who they are. And your choice is to learn to accept this and support your child, or if you don’t, what I see coming in the future is, this child is going to be very mentally unhealthy and unhappy and will likely―if they’re not already―become depressed, anxious, not functioning well, not being able to get on with life; not do well in school, not have friends. May be suicidal―may try to commit suicide. May be self-harming. May kill themselves. That’s what you can expect.”
      8. “It’s a gun to the head: do as your kid says, or she might take her own life. Again and again, I heard this question from gender therapists and also from parents to whom they had spoken: “Would you rather a dead daughter or a live son?”.” (Ibid, p. 107)
    1. The opposite is actually the truth.
      1. Children who are “transgender” have a much higher suicide rate than normal children.
      2. “The rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation for transgender youth, adolescents, and even adults are indeed startlingly high. Nearly every study confirms this. In 2014, the Williams Institute put out a widely cited study that reported the suicide attempts among transgender and non-conforming adults at 41 percent. If true, this would be a ghastly statistic. For the U.S. population as a whole the rate of attempted suicide is 0.6 percent, and 10 to 20 percent for lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals.
      3. “There are a few problems with the study, however. One is that it is entirely based on self-report. As a writer at 4thWaveNow, a consortium of parents who oppose medical transition for young people, pointed out in an excellent blog post, “More careful and rigorous studies always follow-up with in-person interviews, and when self-harming behaviors (not intended to end life) are controlled for, the actual suicide rate is typically halved―meaning the suicide attempt rate could be as low as 20%.”
      4. “That is still horrifically high. And there are other studies that seem to corroborate a very high rate of suicidal ideation and self-harm from transgender-identified kids. It’s fair to assume that this is a deeply troubled population and that it is suffering acutely.
      5. “In order to justify the peculiar mandate that therapists immediately accept patients’ self-diagnosis when presented with someone claiming gender dysphoria, we must answer two questions: 1) Is the gender dysphoria causing the suicidal ideation? And 2) Do we have any evidence that affirmation ameliorates mental health problems? The answer to both questions, it seems, is no.
      6. “In a recent academic study, Kenneth Zucker found that the mental health outcomes for adolescents with gender dysphoria were very similar to those with the same mental health issues who did not have gender dysphoria. In other words, we have no proof that the gender dysphoria was responsible for the suicidal ideation or tendency to self-harm. It may have been the many other mental health problems that gender dysphoric adolescents so often bear.
      7. “Still, even if the gender dysphoria were not responsible for the suicidal ideation, it might be worth “affirming” these youths if doing so would cure their depression and lift their suicidal fantasies. Unfortunately for proponents of affirmative therapy, there is no evidence that this is the case. There are a few important studies on point, though none is definitive here, since the current craze is so new. One is a long-term study of adult transsexuals (the term in use at the time) showing a rise in suicidality after sex reassignment surgery. Another, more relevant to today’s gender-crazed girls, comes from a leaked 2019 report from the Tavistock and Portman Trust gender clinic in the UK, which showed that rates of self-harm and suicidality did not decrease even after puberty suppression for adolescent natal girls. The report was so damning that a governor of the clinic, Dr. Marcus Evans, resigned. He told the press that he feared the clinic was fast-tracking youths to transition to no good effect and in some cases to their harm.” (Ibid, pp. 117-118)

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