The KJV vs Modern Bible Versions
Do all the Bible versions say the same thing?
Are all Bible versions God's Word?
Why do we use only the King James Version? Why do we reject the today’s modern English versions?
The following sermons, videos, and blogs will answer these questions.
Sermons on the Bible version issue
"Why We Use the KJV" Sermon
This sermon gives an overview of why we use the KJV.
"Corruption in Modern Bible Versions" Sermon Series
These sermons show in detail the history and the corruptions in the modern “bible” versions.
- Corruption in Modern Bible Versions (Part 1) - Different Underlying Greek and Hebrew Manuscripts
- Corruption in Modern Bible Versions (Part 2) - Vaticanus and Sinaiticus; Changes in the NIV
- Corruption in Modern Bible Versions (Part 3) - Verse Comparisons Between the KJV, NIV, NASB, and NKJV
- Corruption in Modern Bible Versions (Part 4) - More Verse Comparisons Between the KJV, NIV, NASB, and NKJV
The "Satan" Sermon Series
These sermons give additional info about corruption in modern Bible versions.
God and Our Saviour Jesus Christ (2Pe 1:1; Tit 2:13) - Refuting James White
This sermon defends the KJV and its declaration of the deity of Christ in 2Pe 1:1 and Tit 2:13 against the attacks of James White.
"The NIV Denies the Deity of Jesus Christ" sermon series
The following are links to a Bible study series which uses the outline from the “Deity of Jesus Christ” series and shows that the NIV denies the deity of Jesus Christ just as does the New World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
"Throw Away Your Strong's Concordance" Sermon
This sermon shows the futility and danger of “going to the Greek” and of using the corrupt Strong’s Concordance to define words.
Video Blogs on the Modern English Perversions
- Pastor Blows Up NIV
- The NIV Says Jesus is in Hell
- The NIV Says Jesus is Lucifer
- The KJV vs. the NIV (Non-Inspired Version)
- Do the KJV and the NIV Say the Same Thing? (Animated Video)
- Provable Errors in the NIV - Act 13:17-20
- Provable Errors in the NIV - Exo 12:40
- The Catholic Bible Has Too Many Books - The Apocrypha is Not Scripture
- The Corrupted Substandard Bible (CSB)
- The English Sub-Standard Version (ESV)
- The Message (The Mess) Bible Perversion
- The NASB (New Alexandrian Slander) vs. the KJV
- The Not-Living Translation (NLT - New Living Translation)
- The Not-King James Version (NKJV)
- The KJV is Right to Translate YHWH as LORD Instead of Jehovah
- The Original Autographs
- Word-For-Word Bible Translation