Answers to So-called Arminian Verses

But what about John 3:16?

Need Help Answering Arminians?

There are plenty of verses in the Bible that are frequently misunderstood to teach the doctrine of Arminianism, decisional regeneration, works salvation, freewill salvation, etc.

People who believe in works salvation falsely interpret certain verses because they fail to understand a few fundamental scriptural truths, such as the following:

  • The difference between eternal and temporal salvation.
  • The usage of universal language such as all men, every man, and the world.
  • Considering the context (ex: To whom is the verse addressed: believers, or the unregenerate?)


These videos on this page should help you to properly interpret some of the most commonly misunderstood verses pertaining to salvation.

Want answers to all of the tough verses that Arminians throw at you?  Get my book that answers just about all of them.

Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace provides both believers, and opponents, of the doctrine of Sovereign Grace with a Bible study outline which addresses and properly interprets a comprehensive list of over 150 Bible verses that are either difficult to reconcile with other verses which clearly teach sovereign grace, or are commonly misinterpreted to support decisional regeneration, works-based salvation, etc. The goal of this book is to root Arminianism out every verse.

If you believe in Sovereign Grace, you surely have heard questions or comments like these.

What about John 3:16

The Bible says that Jesus died for the whole world. (1Jo 2:2)

The Bible says “whosover will.” (Rev 22:17)

God is not willing that any should perish. (2Pe 3:9)

God will have all men to be saved. (1Ti 2:4)

This book will show you how these verses, and nearly 150 others which Arminians use, reconcile with (rather than contradict) all the verses in the Bible that teach that God sovereignly saves only His elect whom He hath chosen.

Answers to So-called Arminian Verses (Video Blogs)

This video blog series gives brief, Biblical answers to some of the most common verses that Arminians misunderstand.


Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace

This Bible study series covers over 150 verses in the Bible which are used by Arminians to try to deny the doctrine of Sovereign Grace.

Sovereign Grace Sermons

These sermons and videos explain the doctrine of Sovereign Grace from many different angles.

Sovereign Grace Blogs and Essays

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