Sovereign Grace Sermons and Videos

An Introduction to Sovereign Grace

How Does God Save Sinners?

The following sermons and video blogs teach the doctrine of Sovereign Grace from many different angles.  

“Sovereign Grace” is a name which describes the doctrine of the Bible which teaches that God chose a portion of the fallen human race to save from their sins by giving them to Jesus Christ for Him to die for on their behalf to make them righteous in His sight.  

Once their sins were atoned for, God then regenerated them by putting a new spirit with eternal life within them.  

Once they are regenerated (born again), the elect then have the ability to hear, believe, and obey the gospel which when done is the evidence (not the cause) that they are eternally saved children of God.  

The True Grace of God

Expounding the Truth of Sovereign Grace and Refuting the Errors of Arminianism and Calvinism

Book Description

The first-century Christians to whom Peter wrote were standing in the doctrine of “the true grace of God.”

Are you? 

Most Christians think they are, but an examination of their doctrine will almost always reveal that the “grace” they espouse is an admixture of grace and works. God does His part, and they do theirs. While the Bible teaches that faith is an evidence of eternal life (Joh 5:24), both Arminians and Calvinists have turned it into a sacrament which procures eternal salvation.

Using the Holy Scriptures, Pastor Wagner in this book expounds the “true grace of God” and refutes the errors of Arminianism and Calvinism. Topics such as the nature of man, election and predestination, atonement, regeneration, preservation and perseverance, the purpose of the gospel, temporal salvation, twofold justification, and the unconverted elect are examined through a scriptural lens. After the Biblical teaching is set forth for each topic, the Arminian and Calvinistic positions concerning it are examined, and any truth found in them is affirmed and the errors are refuted.

Throughout the book, verses that appear to teach that salvation is acquired through something that man does are interpreted in light of verses that plainly state that salvation is wrought by the grace of God alone. Also explained is the relationship between the will and responsibility of man and the sovereignty of God.

After reading this book, may the reader exclaim with the prophet Jonah that “Salvation is of the LORD” (Jon 2:9).

Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace

Want answers to all of the tough verses that Arminians throw at you?  Get my book that answers just about all of them.

Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace provides both believers, and opponents, of the doctrine of Sovereign Grace with a Bible study outline which addresses and properly interprets a comprehensive list of over 150 Bible verses that are either difficult to reconcile with other verses which clearly teach sovereign grace, or are commonly misinterpreted to support decisional regeneration, works-based salvation, etc. The goal of this book is to root Arminianism out every verse.

If you believe in Sovereign Grace, you surely have heard questions or comments like these.

What about John 3:16

The Bible says that Jesus died for the whole world. (1Jo 2:2)

The Bible says “whosover will.” (Rev 22:17)

God is not willing that any should perish. (2Pe 3:9)

God will have all men to be saved. (1Ti 2:4)

This book will show you how these verses, and nearly 150 others which Arminians use, reconcile with (rather than contradict) all the verses in the Bible that teach that God sovereignly saves only His elect whom He hath chosen.

The True TULIP (Sermons)

Total Depravity

Unconditional Election

Limited Atonement

Irresistible Grace

Preservation of the Saints

More Sovereign Grace Sermons

Sovereign Grace Terminology

Sovereign Grace Video Blogs

The True Tulip (video blogs)

Various Sovereign Grace Video Blogs

Answers to So-called Arminian Verses (video blogs)


Two Everythings (video blogs)


Sovereign Grace Blogs and Essays

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