Child Training and Education
Preparing Your Kids For The Real World
Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go...
There is no more important job in the world than training up one’s children in the way of the Lord.
Our country is the mess that it is because parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
The sermons below were preached to help and encourage parents to train and discipline their children so that they will grow up into godly, decent, productive people.
Sermons for Parents and Children
Child Discipline, Training, and Education (sermon series)
This series gives an overview of what the Bible teaches concerning how to discipline, train, and educate children.
Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (sermon series)
As one person said, this series should be called “How To Teach Your Children Everything.”
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 1) - Child Discipline (Part A)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 2) - Child Discipline (Part B)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 3) - Physical Development (Part A)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 4) - Physical Development (Part B)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 5) - Spiritual Development (Part A)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 6) - Spiritual Development (Part B)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 7) - Spiritual Development (Part C)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 8) - Spiritual Development (Part D)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 9) - Spiritual Development (Part E)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 10) - Spiritual Development (Part F)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 11) - Intellectual Development (Part A)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 12) - Intellectual Development (Part B)
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (Part 13) - Intellectual Development (Part C); Social Development; Kicking Them Out
Bus Driving by the Bible (Bible study)
In this Bible study I showed how I used the Biblical principles of child discipline to control a bus full of children for the year that I was a school bus driver.
There's A War For Your Minds, Kids (sermon series)
These sermons were preached to children and teenagers warning them of the war that is being waged for control of there minds.
Teaching Sovereign Grace to a Six-Year-Old (Bible study series)
These Bible studies explaining sovereign grace were preached to a six-year-old child in our church.
Child Sacrifice in 21st Century America
This is a short excerpt (3 minutes) from Pastor Wagner’s sermon on “Suffering and Deliverance (Part 27)” in which he condemns Americans who sacrifice their children in the fire on the altar of their god of self-interest.
Memory Verses for Your Children
This document includes 282 verses for your children to memorize about God, good character traits, Christian virtues, and doctrinal proof texts. The verses are all printed out, categorized, and have a check box next to them to keep track of which ones you have completed.