The Deity of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Almighty God

Cults and all other false religions deny the deity of Christ.

As Christians, you will be challenged to defend your believe that Jesus is God.

The aim of this study (sermons are below) is to give overwhelming scriptural proof that Jesus Christ is God.

The Deity of Jesus Christ (sermon series)

The following are links to a sermon series which thoroughly proves from the scripture, both Old and New Testaments, that Jesus Christ is God.


The NIV Denies the Deity of Jesus Christ (sermon series)

The following are links to a Bible study series which uses the outline from the Deity of Jesus Christ series and shows that the NIV denies the deity of Jesus Christ just as the New World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses does.


God and Our Saviour Jesus Christ (2Pe 1:1; Tit 2:13) - Refuting James White

This sermon defends the KJV and its declaration of the deity of Christ in 2Pe 1:1 and Tit 2:13 against the attacks of James White. 


More sermons about Jesus Christ

This link leads to a page with sermons on the Sonship, humanity, faith, death, resurrection, and names of Jesus Christ.  There are also numerous other sermons about Jesus Christ posted there too.

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