Isaiah 40 (Part 06) – Isa 40:5 – The Glory of the LORD Shall be Revealed

December 21 2016

Series: Isaiah 40

Topic: Exposition

Book: Isaiah

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Scripture: Isa 40:5

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Isa 40:5

  1. “And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed,…”
  2. Glory n. – 2. objectively. Exalted (and, in mod. use, merited) praise, honour, or admiration accorded by common consent to a person or thing; honourable fame, renown.  b. the glory of God: the honour of God, considered as the final cause of creation, and as the highest moral aim of intelligent creatures. 5. In Biblical phraseology: the glory of God: the majesty and splendour attendant upon a manifestation of God.  6. Resplendent beauty or magnificence. Now often with suggestion of sense 5 or 7: An effulgence of light such as is associated with our conceptions of heaven; fig. an unearthly beauty attributed by imagination. Also pl., features of resplendent beauty or magnificence, splendours.
  3. The glory of the LORD was revealed in Jesus Christ, who is God (Joh 1:1-3,14).
  4. Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory and the express image of His person (Heb 1:3).
  5. God was manifest in the flesh in the person of Christ (1Ti 3:16).

iii.    Manifest v. – 1. trans. To make evident to the eye or to the understanding; to show plainly, disclose, reveal.

  1. The glory of God is in the face of Jesus Christ (2Co 4:6 c/w Mat 17:2).
  2. Luke quotes Isa 40:5 and renders it, “all flesh shall see the salvation of God” (Luk 3:6).
  3. Jesus is God’s salvation (Luk 2:27-30; Mat 1:21; Isa 62:11).
  4. Men saw God’s glory and God’s salvation in Jesus Christ (Joh 1:14).
  5. The glory of the LORD was revealed mightily when Jesus was transfigured before the apostles (2Pe 1:17-18).
  6. Jesus is crowned with glory and honour (Heb 2:9; 1Pe 1:21).
  7. Jesus is the Lord of glory (1Co 2:8; Jam 2:1 c/w Psa 24:10).
  8. “…and all flesh shall see it together:…”
  9. All flesh whom God wanted to see His glory in Jesus Christ saw it.
  10. All men sought for Jesus (Mar 1:37).
  11. All men marveled when they heard of the miracles of Jesus (Mar 5:20).
  12. All men came to Jesus to be baptized (Joh 3:26).
  13. The Pharisees feared that if they let Him alone all men would believe on Him (Joh 11:48).
  14. The gospel of Jesus Christ was preached to all the world and to every creature (Mar 16:15,20; Col 1:6,23).
  15. “…for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.”
  16. This would happen because God said it would.
  17. God tells of things before they come to pass (Isa 42:8-9).
  18. God calls things which be not as though they are (Rom 4:17).
  19. When God says something, it will come to pass (Eze 24:14).
  20. None of God’s words will fall to the ground (1Sa 3:19; 2Ki 10:10).
  21. His word will not return unto Him void (Isa 55:11).
  22. God declares the end from the beginning and His counsel shall stand and He will do all His pleasure (Isa 46:10; Psa 33:11; Pro 19:21).

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