Isaiah 40

Isaiah chapter 40 verse by verse
The following are links to a Bible study series on Isaiah 40, a rich chapter which speaks of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, the glory of God, the worthlessness of man, the foolishness of idolatry, cosmology, encouragement to the saints, and much more.
Isaiah 40 (sermon series)
The following are links to a sermon series which expounds Isaiah 40 one verse at a time.
- Isaiah 40 (Part 01) - Isa 40:1 - When God Repeats Himself
- Isaiah 40 (Part 02) - Isa 40:2a - Israel's Sin is Pardoned
- Isaiah 40 (Part 03) - Isa 40:2b-3 - John the Baptist
- Isaiah 40 (Part 04) - Isa 40:4a - Exalted Valleys and Low Mountains
- Isaiah 40 (Part 05) - Isa 40:4b - Crooked Made Straight and Rough Places Plain
- Isaiah 40 (Part 06) - Isa 40:5 - The Glory of the LORD Shall be Revealed
- Isaiah 40 (Part 07) - Isa 40:6-7 - All Flesh is Grass
- Isaiah 40 (Part 08) - Isa 40:8 - The Word of our God Shall Stand Forever
- Isaiah 40 (Part 09) - Isa 40:9 - Lift Up Thy Voice with Strength and Be Not Afraid
- Isaiah 40 (Part 10) - Isa 40:10 - The Lord Will Come With Strong Hand and His Reward is With Him
- Isaiah 40 (Part 11) - Isa 40:11 - He Shall Lead His Flock Like a Shepherd
- Isaiah 40 (Part 12) - Isa 40:12 - God Has Very Big Hands
- Isaiah 40 (Part 13) - Isa 40:13-14 - Who Hath Directed the Spirit of the LORD?
- Isaiah 40 (Part 14) - Isa 40:15 - Modern Sayings From the KJV
- Isaiah 40 (Part 15) - Isa 40:16-20 - The Foolishness of Idolatry
- Isaiah 40 (Part 16) - Isa 40:21-22 - The Earth is Not Flat
- Isaiah 40 (Part 17) - Isa 40:23-24 - God Brings Kings and Judges to Nothing
- Isaiah 40 (Part 18) - Isa 40:25-27 - We Can't Hide Our Sin From God
- Isaiah 40 (Part 19) - Isa 40:28 - The Eternal Power of God
- Isaiah 40 (Part 20) - Isa 40:29 - God Gives Power to the Faint
- Isaiah 40 (Part 21) - Isa 40:30 - Even The Youths Shall Faint And Be Weary
- Isaiah 40 (Part 22) - Isa 40:31a - They That Wait Upon The LORD Shall Renew Their Strength
- Isaiah 40 (Part 23) - Isa 40:31b - They Shall Run and Not be Weary and Walk and Not Faint