Isaiah 40 (Part 07) – Isa 40:6-7 – All Flesh is Grass

December 28 2016

Series: Isaiah 40

Topic: Exposition

Book: Isaiah

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Isa 40:6-7

  1. “The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry?…” (Isa 40:6)
  2. Cry – 3. intr. To utter the voice loudly and with exclamatory effort, whether under the influence of emotion, as indignation, fear, pain, surprise, or merely in order to be heard afar, or above any noise that would prevent the ordinary speaking voice from being heard or distinguished; to call aloud (to a person), shout, vociferate.
  3. God told Isaiah to lift up his voice and shout!
  4. This wasn’t the first time that God told Isaiah to cry unto Israel, and it wouldn’t be the last.
  5. Isaiah was told earlier to cry unto Israel that her warfare was accomplished and her iniquity was pardoned (Isa 40:2).
  6. The LORD would later tell Isaiah to cry aloud and lift up his voice like a trumpet and show Israel their sins (Isa 58:1).
  7. This shows us the dual nature of God’s forgiveness: eternal forgiveness which is already accomplished (1Jo 2:12), and temporal forgiveness that can be obtained by confession of sins (1Jo 1:9).
  8. NT ministers are likewise supposed to cry unto God’s people.
  9. Jesus cried out to the people many times during His ministry (Luk 8:8; Joh 7:28; Joh 7:37; Joh 12:44).
  10. Paul cried out while proclaiming the truth (Act 23:6; Act 24:21).
  11. Pastors are supposed to preach the word and be instant which often includes crying out (2Ti 4:2).
  12. Instant adj. – 1. Pressing, urgent, importunate.
  13. Before shouting into the air, Isaiah wisely asks, “What shall I cry?”.
  14. It’s not good to be without knowledge and act hastily (Pro 19:2).
  15. A fool speaks first and asks questions later, but a wise man waits to speak (Pro 29:11).
  16. “…All flesh is grass,… (Isa 40:6)
  17. God says that mankind is grass.
  18. Grass – 1. a. Herbage in general, the blades or leaves and stalks of which are eaten by horses, cattle, sheep, etc.
  19. In the vegetal world, grass at the bottom.

iii.    Grass is not strong and durable, nor does it provide shade like trees.

  1. Grass is not tasty like fruits and vegetables.
  2. Grass is not really good for much except for animals to eat.
  3. God doesn’t describe the natural man in glowing terms. He calls them:
  4. Vanity (Psa 39:5)
  5. Lighter than vanity (Psa 62:9)

iii.    Nothing and less than nothing (Isa 40:17)

  1. But flesh (Psa 78:39)
  2. Dust (Psa 103:14)
  3. Worms (Job 25:6)
  4. “…and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:” (Isa 40:6)
  5. All of the goodliness of man is as the flower of the field.
  6. The glory of man is as the flower of grass (1Pe 1:24).
  7. All of man’s glory shall go to hell with him (Isa 5:14).
  8. Flowers may be more attractive looking than grass, but they don’t last any longer (Psa 103:15-16).
  9. All the goodliness of man quickly passes away; his beauty is fading.
  10. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth:…” (Isa 40:7)
  11. Like a flower, man fades away.
  12. Fade – 1. intr. Of a flower, plant, etc.: To lose freshness and vigour; to droop, wither.
  13. His skin loses its freshness and droops and withers.

iii.    He loses his strength, and his eyes grow dim.

  1. Man’s days are short (Job 14:1-2; Psa 89:47-48).
  2. Our life is a vapor which quickly passes away (Jam 4:14).
  3. Our life is like the wind which comes and goes quickly (Job 7:7; Psa 78:39).
  4. Our days are as an handbreadth (Psa 39:5).
  5. Handbreadth – A Unit of lineal measure in many countries and periods, founded on the width of the adult human hand, a palm; formerly estimated as one-fourth of a foot, but now as four inches.
  6. Our days are as a shadow that passes away (Psa 144:4; Job 8:9).
  7. “…because the spirit of the LORD bloweth upon it:…” (Isa 40:7)
  8. The reason that our life is short is because our iniquities cause us to fade as a leaf and the wind takes us away (Isa 64:6).
  9. The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23).
  10. Sin guarantees death, but it doesn’t usually happen immediately.
  11. When the spirit departs, the body dies (Jam 2:26; Gen 35:18; 1Ki 17:21-22; Luk 8:53-55).
  12. We do not have power over the spirit to retain it (Ecc 8:8).
  13. God decides the time of one’s death (Job 14:5).
  14. Determine – I. To put an end or limit to; to come to an end. 1. trans. To put an end to (in time); to bring to an end; to end, conclude, terminate.
  15. God sets the limit of the time of one’s life.
  16. When the breath of the Spirit of God blows on our soul, like the wind on a dead leaf, it takes it away (Isa 40:7 c/w Isa 64:6).
  17. “…surely the people is grass.” (Isa 40:7)
  18. This fact is certain.
  19. Surely adv. – II. Qualifying a statement. 4. a. (a) Certainly, assuredly, undoubtedly. Often with less emphasis, as a mere intensive: Truly, verily, indeed.

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