Isaiah 40 (Part 08) – Isa 40:8 – The Word of our God Shall Stand Forever

January 4 2017

Series: Isaiah 40

Topic: Exposition

Book: Isaiah

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Isa 40:8

  1. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”
  2. The “word of our God” is Jesus Christ.
  3. Isa 40:3-8 is a prophecy of John the Baptist (see Section V – Isa 40:3) announcing the coming of Jesus Christ (see Section VII – Isa 40:5).
  4. Jesus Christ is God for whom the highway was to be made (Isa 40:3 c/w Joh 1:1,14).
  5. Jesus Christ is the glory of the LORD that was revealed (Isa 40:5 c/w Joh 1:1,14 c/w 1Ti 3:16 c/w Heb 1:3).
  6. Jesus Christ is the word of God (Joh 1:1,14; Rev 19:13; Heb 4:12-14).
  7. Peter proclaimed that we are born again by the word of God (1Pe 1:23), which he proved by quoting (Isa 40:6-8).
  8. The word of God, by which we are born again, that liveth and abideth forever (1Pe 1:23) is the word of the Lord that endureth forever (1Pe 1:25), and the word of our God that shall stand forever (Isa 40:8).
  9. Jesus is the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever (1Pe 1:23 c/w Rev 1:17-18; Joh 12:34 c/w Psa 110:4; Heb 7:16,25).

iii.    This word of God / word of the Lord cannot be the scriptures because we are not born again by the scriptures, but by the sovereign power of Jesus Christ (Joh 5:21; Joh 5:25) through the operation of the Holy Ghost (Tit 3:5).

  1. Another reason that this word of God cannot be the scriptures is because one must be born again before he can hear, understand, or be subject to the scriptures (Joh 5:24; 1Co 1:18; 1Co 2:14; Joh 8:47; Rom 8:7).
  2. He that believes the gospel which proclaims that Jesus is the Christ is already born of God (quickened, begotten again); he doesn’t get born of God by believing (1Jo 5:1).
  3. The word of God, Jesus Christ, is preached (declared) to us by the gospel (1Pe 1:25; Rom 1:9; Rom 1:16; Rom 15:19; 1Jo 1:1-3; 1Co 15:1-4).
  4. Like grass and flowers, men will perish, but Jesus Christ will stand forever.

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