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1. His death:
- The other “Jesus’” death and resurrection: he was crucified on Friday afternoon, spent one day and two nights in the grave, and rose again on Sunday morning at sunrise, not even close to fulfilling his own prophecy of his death.
- The real Jesus’ death and resurrection.
- Jesus Himself said that he would be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights (Mat 12:40).
- Jesus was already resurrected before sunrise on the first day of the week (Sunday) (Joh 20:1).
iii. Given these two facts, Jesus was therefore crucified on Wednesday afternoon, put in the grave before sundown that day, and was raised from the dead sometime after sundown on Saturday evening, but not after midnight that night.
Wednesday night – Night 1 (Jesus was put into the tomb before sundown)
Thursday – Day 1
Thursday night – Night 2
Friday – Day 2
Friday night – Night 3
Saturday – Day 3 (Jesus rose from the dead after sundown)
- The real Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of His own death and resurrection.
2. His appearance:
- The other “Jesus” looks quite different from the real one; for instance:
- The other “Jesus” has long hair.
- The other “Jesus” is attractive and comely.
- The physical appearance of the real Jesus:
- The Bible doesn’t give a vivid description of Jesus’ physical appearance.
- If one was given, men would likely have made images of Him and worshiped them instead of Him.
- As Christians, we are to walk by faith, not by sight (2Co 5:7 c/w 1Pe 1:8).
- Although we do not know the exact length of Jesus’ hair, we know that it was not long since the New Testament that Jesus wrote says that it is a shame for a man to have long hair (1Co 11:14).
iii. Jesus did have a beard (Isa 50:6 c/w Mat 26:67; 27:26; 27:30).
- Jesus was not handsome (Isa 53:2).
- Form – 1. a. The visible aspect of a thing; now usually in narrower sense, shape, configuration, as distinguished from colour; occasionally, the shape or figure of the body as distinguished from the face.
- Comeliness n. – 1. Pleasing appearance; gracefulness or beauty of form; handsomeness.
- There is an indication that Jesus looked much older than He was (Joh 8:57 c/w Luk 3:23).
3. His works and ability:
A. In saving His people:
- The other “Jesus” came with the mission of saving the entire human race.
- The Father is said to have given all mankind without exception to the other “Jesus” for him to give eternal life to by dying for their sins on the cross.
- This other “Jesus” offered, not procured, eternal life to all the Father gave him.
- He miserably failed his mission to save the human race.
- Only a small percentage of those he died for ever make it to heaven and that is only because of something they did (repent, believe, get baptized, whatever).
- Even once he does give a person eternal life, he doesn’t have the power to keep that person saved if they decide to stop working to keep their eternal life.
- This other “Jesus” will stand at the edge of the pit and look at all the multitudes that he died for in hell, and weep and wring his hands because they are lost.
- The works and accomplishments of the real Jesus Christ are much different than that of the other “Jesus”.
- The real Jesus came into this world with a mission to give eternal life to all that the Father had given Him (Joh 17:2).
(i) This was the very reason that He was named Jesus (Mat 1:21).
(ii) This was why He came (Joh 6:38-39).
- The real Jesus said He would save all that the Father gave Him (Joh 6:39).
- The real Jesus actually saved all that the Father gave Him (Joh 10:28; Joh 17:4; Heb 1:3; Heb 9:12; Heb 10:14).
- The real Jesus not only gives all of His elect eternal life, but He also preserves them forever and will never lose even one of them (Joh 10:29; Joh 6:39; Psa 37:28).
- The real Jesus said that if He did not do the works of His Father, then we should not believe Him (Joh 10:37).
B. In setting up His kingdom:
- The other “Jesus” came with the intention of setting up his kingdom, but didn’t get the job done. His pitiful attempts were resisted and overcome by his unbelieving people. His hopes of being given David’s throne were dashed to pieces and put on hold for at least a couple thousand years.
- “While Christ’s priestly work did not begin till He “offered Himself without spot to God” (Heb 9:14) and His full manifestation as the King-Priest after the order of Melchizedek awaits the kingdom yet He was then anointed, once for all.” (Scofield Reference Bible, note on Mat 3:15)
- “John the Baptist was as great morally, as any man “born of woman,” but as to the kingdom he but announced it at hand. The kingdom did not then come, but was rejected, and John was martyred, and the King presently crucified.” (Ibid, note on Mat 11:11)
- “The kingdom is not the Church, but the true children of the kingdom during the fulfilment of these mysteries, baptized by one Spirit into one body (1Co 12:12-13) compose the true Church, the pearl.” (Ibid, note on Mat 13:45)
- “Upon His return the King will restore the Davidic monarchy in His own person, re-gather dispersed Israel, establish His power over all the earth, and reign one thousand years.” (Ibid, note on 1Co 15:24)
- “This passage, in harmony with (Luk 1:32); (Luk 1:33); (Mat 19:28); (Act 2:30); (Act 2:34); (Act 2:35); (Act 15:14-16) is conclusive that Christ is not now seated upon His own throne. The Davidic Covenant, and the promises of God through the prophets and Angel Gabriel concerning the Messianic kingdom await fulfilment.” (Ibid, note on Rev 3:21).
- The real Jesus set up His kingdom and assumed the throne of David and has been reigning ever since.
- The kingdom of heaven was prophesied to come in the days of the Roman empire by Daniel (Dan 2:44).
- It came right on time and was “at hand” in the days of John the Baptist and Jesus (Luk 3:1-3 c/w Mat 3:1-2 c/w Mar 1:14-15).
(i) At hand – a. Within easy reach; near; close by b. Near in time closely approaching. c. At the immediate moment; at the start.
(ii) “”At hand” is never a positive affirmation that the person or thing said to be “at hand” will immediately appear, but only that no known or predicted event must intervene.” (Scofield Reference Bible, note on Mat 4:17)
(iii) The scriptures disagree with Scofield – (Mar 14:42-43).
- Jesus said in no uncertain terms that the kingdom of God was upon them (Luk 11:20).
- Jesus made it very plain that the kingdom of God was a then-present reality (Luk 17:20-21; Luk 16:16; Luk 22:29-30 c/w Heb 12:28).
- The real Jesus is most definitely sitting on the throne of David (Act 2:29-36).
(i) The real Jesus is king of the church (Eph 1:20-23; Eph 5:23 c/w 1Sa 15:17).
(ii) Head n. – III. Various figurative uses arising from preceding senses. 25. A person to whom others are subordinate; a chief, captain, commander, ruler, leader, principal person, head man.
(iii) The real Jesus is also the king of all creation (1Ti 6:15; Rev 19:16).
iii. See series on Millennialism, End Times, and the Reign of Christ for more info on the kingdom of God.