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A. In preserving His church:
- The other “Jesus” built his church and said that it would last, but it went out of existence after a few hundred years when the Roman Catholic church apostatized, and remained so for over 1000 years until the Protestant reformation got it going again.
- The real Jesus built His church and promised that it would never be destroyed (Dan 2:44 c/w Mat 16:18-19).
- The church that the real Jesus set up would last world without end to glorify God (Eph 3:21).
- His church (which is God’s kingdom) cannot be moved (Heb 12:28 c/w Luk 22:29-30).
- The real Jesus’ churches have existed throughout all ages outside of the Roman Catholic church which persecuted them.
- See the sermon series on Baptist Church History for more information on the preservation of the true church.
B. In preserving His word:
- The other “Jesus” intended for his word to be preserved throughout all ages.
- Although giving it his best try, he was only able to preserve his inspired word in the original autographs of the apostles and prophets in Greek and Hebrew.
(i) “Article X – We affirm that inspiration, strictly speaking, applies only to the autographic text of Scripture, which in the providence of God can be ascertained from available manuscripts with great accuracy. We further affirm that copies and translations of Scripture are the Word of God to the extent that they faithfully represent the original.” (The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals).
(ii) “We believe that this divine inspiration extends equally and fully to all parts of the writings—historical, poetical, doctrinal, and prophetical—as appeared in the original manuscripts. We believe that the whole Bible in the originals is therefore without error.” (Dallas Theological Seminary Doctrinal Statement, Article 1 – The Scriptures).
(iii) We affirm that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, though written by men, was supernaturally inspired by God so that all its words are the written true revelation of God; it is therefore inerrant in the originals and authoritative in all matters. (Liberty University Doctrinal Statement).
- Once the originals were lost or destroyed, the other Jesus had his hands tied because he was not able to preserve his word in copies and translations.
- The other Jesus has given his followers the scholars’ best guess at what his word might have said, if they had seen it.
- To make up for his miserable failure of attempting to preserve his word, he had his follows make over 100 modern translations of their best guess of what the originals probably said.
(i) These pathetic pieces of trash, such as the Non-Inspired Version (NIV), have left out numerous verses or parts of verses (Act 8:37; 1Jo 5:7, for example).
(ii) They also contradict themselves; for example: Act 13:19-20 vs. the actual time it took for Israel to overthrow the nations in Canaan (6-7 years).
(iii) Act 13:19-20 – NIV – 19) and he overthrew seven nations in Canaan, giving their land to his people as their inheritance. 20) All this took about 450 years. “After this, God gave them judges until the time of Samuel the prophet.”
- The real Jesus promised to preserve His word forever (Psa 12:6-7).
- Jesus said that it was easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one jot or one tittle of the law to fail (Luk 16:17 c/w Mat 5:18).
(i) A jot is smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet (Psa 119:73).
(ii) A tittle is a tiny diacritical marking that distinguishes one Hebrew letter from another (Psa 119:81 c/w Psa 119:9).
- Jesus said that His words would never pass (Mat 24:35).
- The real Jesus can preserve His word in copies (Pro 25:1; Deu 17:18-20; Jos 8:32-35; 2Ti 3:15-16).
- The real Jesus can preserve His word in translations (Act 2:1-11; Act 21:40 c/w Act 22:1-21; Gen 42:23; Ezr 6:1-3; Ezr 7:11-13; Exo 5:1-2)
- The real Jesus can preserve His word despite attacks from His enemies (Jer 36:2-4 c/w 36:23-28, 32).
2. His attitude, emotions, and character:
- The other “Jesus” has a very different attitude than that of the true Jesus.
- He never said a harsh word to anyone.
- He never called people names.
iii. He never got angry.
- He would especially never criticize a person’s religion.
- He is nonjudgmental.
- He would never get violent.
vii. He is a pacifist who opposed bearing arms.
viii.He is a hawkish warmonger who inspires his followers to bomb and murder as many people as possible.
- He came to bring peace on the earth.
- He is an environmentalist.
- He loved all men and would not even think of hating anyone.
xii. He is tolerant of all kinds of lifestyles.
xiii.He wanted everyone to understand the gospel which is why he taught in parables; he would never hide the truth from anyone.
xiv.He would never make someone endure hardship to come to him; he would always go to them.
- He is first and foremost concerned with his followers’ sincerity and emotions, rather than their dogmatic approach to him.
- The real Jesus is much different.
- Although very kind and compassionate, Jesus was known to have uttered some very harsh words to hard-hearted Pharisees (Mat 23:33; Joh 8:44, 55).
- Jesus even called people names at times (Mat 15:26).
- He even did so to his own disciples (Mar 8:33; Luk 24:25).
- He did likewise to rulers and politicians (Luk 13:31-32).
iii. Jesus expressed anger on more than one occasion (Mar 3:5; Mat 21:12).
- Jesus was more critical of people’s errant religion than He was about anything else (Mat 15:12-14; Mat 23:14-15, 23; Mar 7:6-9, 13; Joh 4:22).
- Jesus was/is judgmental (Joh 5:30; Joh 7:24; Act 17:31; 2Ti 4:1).