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- Jesus methodically made an instrument of punishment and physically beat and destroyed the property of men who were perverting His religion (Joh 2:14-16; Luk 19:45-46).
- Scourge – 1. a. A whip, lash. Now only rhetorical, with reference to the torturing of human beings, or to ascetic discipline.
- Drive – 1. a. trans. To force (men or animals) to move on before one, or flee away from one, by blows or intimidation; to urge on or impel with violence.
- Cast – 1. a. trans. To project (anything) with a force of the nature of a jerk, from the hand, the arms, a vessel, or the like; to throw (which is now the ordinary equivalent); to fling, hurl, pitch, toss.
- Jesus was/is not a pacifist and did not condemn bearing arms, but rather encouraged it.
- When a centurion came to Jesus beseeching Him to heal his servant and told Him what his job was, Jesus marveled at his faith, rather than condemn him (Luk 7:1-10).
- Jesus recognized the need to bear arms to protect one’s property (Luk 11:21).
- Jesus not only permitted the carrying a weapon for self-defense, but advised it (Luk 22:36).
iii. Jesus never commanded or encouraged nations to attack other nations in wars of aggression.
- Jesus taught us not to murder, which includes people in other countries who have not attacked us (Mat 19:18).
- While the Bible allows for self-defense, most wars are not fought in self-defense, but rather are a product of the lust of men (power, control, resources) (Jam 4:1-2).
- Individuals, as well as nations, should obey the golden rule that Jesus taught (Luk 6:31).
- We are not to strive with people (or nations) who have done us no harm (Pro 3:30).
- Jesus did NOT come to bring peace on earth, but rather the opposite (Mat 10:34; Luk 12:51).
- Jesus came to divide families over Him at times, not to necessarily unify them (Mat 10:35-37; Luk 12:52-53).
- Jesus expects us to leave those who are closest to us for Him (Mat 19:29-30).
- Jesus was not tree-hugger (Mar 11:12-14, 20-21).
- He taught that men are move valuable than animals (Mat 10:31).
- He also taught that men are more important to God than plants are (Mat 6:30).
- Jesus doesn’t love everyone, but rather hates some people (Mat 7:23 c/w Psa 5:5; Rom 9:13).
- Jesus loves His own (Joh 13:1; Rev 1:5).
- Nothing can separate us from His love (Rom 8:35-39).
vii. Jesus is not tolerant of “alternate lifestyles” (sodomitical relationships, for example).
- Such acts are sinful and Jesus hates them (Rom 1:26-27; Lev 18:22).
- Such things are causes for people to be excluded from the Christ’s church (1Co 6:9-10).
- Jesus commanded men to repent from sin; He never condoned it (Mat 4:17; Mar 2:17; Joh 5:14; Joh 8:11).
viii.Far from wanting everyone to understand the gospel, Jesus taught in parables to prevent people from understanding it.
- When the disciples asked Jesus why He spoke to the multitudes in parables, He plainly told them that He did so, so that they would not perceive nor understand, thereby preventing them from being converted (Mat 13:10 c/w Mar 4:10-12).
- Lest – 1. Used as a negative particle of intention or purpose, introducing a clause expressive of something to be prevented or guarded against;
- When Jesus had the opportunity to preach the gospel to Pilate, Herod, and the chief priests, He barely said a word (Mat 27:11-14; Luk 23:8-11).
- Jesus even thanked God for hiding the gospel from some men (Mat 11:25-26).
- Contrary to may peoples’ perception of Jesus, He on several occasions made sick people come to Him when he could have went to them.
- When the friends of a man sick of the palsy brought him to Jesus to be healed, rather than using His omniscience and meeting them outside the house, Jesus let them climb up on the roof, break it up, and lower their friend down to Him before healing him (Mar 2:1-5).
- When blind Bartimaeus cried to Jesus to heal him as Jesus passed by, Jesus called him to rise and come to Him, rather than going to him (Mar 10:46-52).
- When Jesus saw a woman that was bowed together for 18 years due to a spirit of infirmity, He called her to Him (Luk 13:10-13).
- The real Jesus’ primary concern is not mere sincerity or emotion, but that men worship God in truth and keep His commandments.
- Jesus commanded, not suggested, that those that worship God must do so in TRUTH (Joh 4:22-24).
(i) Truth n. – II. 5. a. Conformity with fact; agreement with reality; accuracy, correctness, verity (of statement or thought).
(ii) Spirit n. – 11. a. The immaterial intelligent or sentient element or part of a person, freq. in implied or expressed contrast to the body. c. Without article; freq. in phr. in spirit. Also (with reference to John iv. 23), in spirit and in truth, spiritually and sincerely.
- The real Jesus wants to see our love for Him expressed by keeping His commandments, not by ushy-gushy, lovey-dovey emotionalism (Joh 14:15, 21, 24; Luk 6:46).