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- Joseph was made overseer over his master’s house and all was put into his hand (Gen 39:4).
- Jesus was made overseer over God’s house (Heb 3:6; Heb 10:21; 1Ti 3:15; 1Pe 2:25).
- All power was given unto Jesus (Mat 28:18) and He was made head of all things (Eph 1:20-23).
- God put all things into Christ’s hand (Joh 3:35).
- The blessing of the LORD was upon the house that Joseph oversaw (Gen 39:5).
- The blessing of the LORD is upon the church that Jesus’ oversees (Act 3:26; Eph 1:1-3).
- After his exaltation, it was said that Joseph was a goodly (of good appearance; good-looking, well-favoured or proportioned; comely, fair, handsome) person (Gen 39:6).
- The glorified Jesus is fairer than the children of men (Psa 45:2-7).
- Fair – 1. Beautiful to the eye; of pleasing form or appearance; good-looking.
- Joseph was enticed to sin, but he resisted (Gen 39:7-12).
- Jesus was tempted to sin in all point as we are, but He resisted it (Heb 2:17-18; Heb 4:15; Mat 4:1-10).
- Joseph was falsely accused (Gen 39:13-18).
- Jesus was falsely accused (Mar 14:55-59).
- Joseph suffered at the hands of a ruler because of the false accusation (Gen 39:19-20).
- Jesus was crucified by the governor of Judea because of false accusations (Joh 18:29-30).
- Joseph was condemned alongside malefactors (Gen 39:20).
- Jesus was condemned alongside malefactors (Luk 23:32-33).
- Joseph accomplished much work while condemned (Gen 39:21-23)
- Jesus accomplished a huge tasked while condemned, reconciling unto God a multitude which no man can number (2Co 5:18-21; Rev 5:9).
- Joseph was punished with two condemned men (Gen 40:1-4).
- Jesus was punished with two condemned men (Mar 15:27).
- One of the condemned men next to him was forgiven and restored (Gen 40:5-15, 20-21).
- One of the sinners that was crucified with Jesus was forgiven and went to paradise with Jesus (Luk 23:39-43).
- The other condemned man next to him was not forgiven and damned, being hanged on a tree (Gen 40:16-21).
- The other sinner that was crucified with Jesus was unrepentant and damned (Mat 27:44; Mar 15:32; Luk 23:39).
- The man that Joseph helped forgot him (Gen 40:14-15, 23).
- Men that Jesus healed forgot Him (Luk 17:11-18).
- Joseph was wise and able to interpret the dreams of the Pharaoh (Gen 41:1-37).
- Jesus is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4:12).
- Jesus knows men’s thoughts (Luk 6:8; Luk 9:47; Luk 11:17).
- Joseph was filled with the Spirit of God (Gen 41:38).
- Jesus was filled with the Spirit of God (Joh 3:34; Rev 3:1; Isa 11:2).