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1. Pro 11:24 – “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.”
- There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth;
- Definitions
- Scatter v. – 1. trans. To dissipate, squander (goods or possessions). 4. To distribute to various positions; to place here and there at irregular intervals. 5. a. To throw or send forth so that the particles are distributed or spread about; to sow or throw (seed, money, etc.) broadcast; to sprinkle, strew; to diffuse (fragrance).
- Yet conj. adv. – III. 9. a. introducing an additional fact or circumstance which is adverse to, or the contrary of what would naturally be expected from, that just mentioned: In spite of that, for all that, nevertheless, notwithstanding.
- Increase v. – 1. To become greater in size, amount, duration, or degree; to be enlarged, extended, or intensified; to wax, grow.
- In other words, those who distribute and spread about their money or goods will nevertheless, contrary to what would naturally be expected, grow in wealth.
- Just a seed sown is not wasted, but rather gives a good return, so it is with those who are generous toward those who are in need and toward people in general.
- “Money is like manure, good for nothing if it be not spread.” (Matthew Henry’s Commentary, Job 27:11-23)
- God sees to it that those who give to others are recompensed.
- Those who give of their substance to the Lord will find their barns filled with plenty (Pro 3:9-10; Mal 3:8-10; 2Ch 31:10).
- He that gives to the poor will not lack (Pro 28:27).
- Those who disperse to the poor will be honored (Psa 112:9).
- He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord who will repay him (Pro 19:17).
- He that sows bountifully shall reap bountifully (2Co 9:6-11; Pro 11:25).
- Those who give to others will be given unto in abundance (Luk 6:38).
- Lazy people covet and wish others would give to them, but righteous people give and spare not (Pro 21:25-26).
- It may seem counterintuitive that those who give generously to others will grow in wealth rather than diminish in it, but it is true.
- I have witnessed it with my own eyes.
- and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
- Definitions
- Withhold – 1. trans. To keep from doing something; to keep in check or under restraint; to hold back, restrain. 2. To keep back; to keep in one’s possession (what belongs to, is due to, or is desired by another); to refrain from giving, granting, or allowing.
- Meet adj. – 1. Having the proper dimensions; made to fit. 3. Suitable, fit, proper (for some purpose or occasion, expressed or implied).
- Tend v. – 1. intr. To direct one’s course, make one’s way, move or proceed towards something. a. intr. To have a specified result, if allowed to act; to lead or conduce to some state or condition. 1560 Bible (Genev.) Prov. x. 16 The labour of the righteous tendeth to life.
- Poverty n. – 1. The condition of having little or no wealth or material possessions; indigence, destitution, want (in various degrees: see poor a. 1).
- In other words, those who keep back for themselves more than is suitable and proper will direct their lives toward having little or no wealth or material possessions.
- This verse is not telling us to give everything away and keep nothing for ourselves.
- It is suitable to withhold some of our substance for ourselves.
- Christians are commanded to save and lay up for the future (Pro 21:20; Pro 15:6) to provide for themselves and their families (1Ti 5:8).
- God has given us richly all things to enjoy (1Ti 6:17), and enjoying some of the fruit of our labor is the gift of God (Ecc 2:24; Ecc 3:13; Ecc 5:18).
- Withholding wealth for our own needs and enjoyment is not wrong, but withholding more than is suitable is.
- Every man should purpose in his heart how much he will give to the Lord and to others (2Co 9:6-7).
- He has to decide what is suitable and fitting to give, and he should do it cheerfully, not grudgingly.
- If he withholds more than is meet and sows sparingly, he will reap sparingly.
- Withholding more than is meet tends to poverty.
- Just as God blesses those who are generous, He also punishes those who are covetous, stingy, cheap, and miserly.
- Those who sow much for themselves, but none or little for God and His work, will be brought to poverty through God’s judgment (Hag 1:4-11; Mal 1:8 c/w Mal 3:8-9; Hos 2:8-9).
- Jesus taught this principle by way of a parable in which a man was increased with goods, but was not rich toward God and therefore ended up dying early as a result (Luk 12:16-21).
- There are other ways a man can withhold more than is meet and tend to poverty.
- He could save every penny and not provide what is needful for his family.
- He could make them go without reasonable things that would make their lives more comfortable.
- He could refuse to spend money to maintain his house, cars, and equipment which in the long run will cause him greater financial loss.
- He could always buy the cheapest goods possible (tools, equipment, parts, furniture, appliances, computers, etc.) which will end up costing him more in the long run.
- “A rich man can afford anything, but a poor man can only afford the best.” – Gerald Wagner
- A business owner could refuse to invest in labor and time saving equipment and technology, or in skilled, high-paid workers for his business which will diminish his profits in the long term.
- Instead of paying a competent employee $75,000 per year and retaining him, a foolish employer will withhold more than is meet and only pay him $50,000.
- He will soon end up losing him to a wiser employer who offers him $100,000 per year.
- Now the foolish employer will have to spend more than the $75,000 on a comparable employee, or settle for one far less competent.
- In either case, his stinginess tends to poverty.
- “It is possible a man may grow poor by meanly sparing what he has, withholding more than is meet, not paying just debts, not relieving the poor, not providing what is convenient for the family, not allowing necessary expenses for the preservation of the goods; this tends to poverty; it cramps men’s ingenuity and industry, weakens their interest, destroys their credit, and forfeits the blessing of God: and, let men be ever so saving of what they have, if God blast it and blow upon it, it comes to nothing. A fire not blown shall consume it, Hag 1:6, Hag 1:9.” (Matthew Henry’s Commentary, Pro 11:24)