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1. Pro 6:34 – “For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.”
- For jealousy is the rage of a man:
- Adultery will cause jealousy in a man more than any other offense.
- Jealousy n. – The quality of being jealous. Zeal or vehemence of feeling against some person or thing; anger, wrath, indignation. Obs. 3. Solicitude or anxiety for the preservation or well-being of something; vigilance in guarding a possession from loss or damage. 4. The state of mind arising from the suspicion, apprehension, or knowledge of rivalry: a. in love, etc.: Fear of being supplanted in the affection, or distrust of the fidelity, of a beloved person, esp. a wife, husband, or lover.
- Jealousy provokes anger (Deut 29:20; Deut 32:16).
- Jealousy burns vehemently like fire (Psa 79:5; Deut 4:24).
- Jealousy causes the offended party to mete out punishment (Exo 20:5; Num 25:11).
- The jealousy of a man is strong and cruel toward the man who tries to take his wife from him (Son 8:6).
- Rage n. – 1. a. Madness; insanity; a fit or access of mania. Obs. exc. poet. Madness, folly, rashness; an instance of this, a foolish act. Obs. 2. Violent anger, furious passion, usually as manifested in looks, words or action; a fit or access of such anger; †angry disposition.
- The jealousy of a husband for his wife when another man tries to take her will make him furious to the point of insanity.
- His wrath will turn into violent anger which will not be tempered by rational self-restraint.
- People who are in a rage do foolish and harmful things (Act 4:25-26).
- therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
- When jealousy is stirred up it provokes vengeance (Nah 1:2).
- Vengeance n. – 1. The act of avenging oneself or another; retributive infliction of injury or punishment; hurt or harm done from vindictive motives.
- Although we should not avenge ourselves, but leave vengeance to the Lord (Rom 12:19), a man who is in a rage because of his jealousy of his wife will not spare, but will take vengeance into his own hands.
- Spare – I. 1. a. trans. To leave (a person) unhurt, unharmed, or uninjured; to refrain from inflicting injury or punishment upon; to allow to escape, go free, or live. Usually with personal subject. (Last usage in 1300) 2. absol. To exercise or show mercy, forbearance, or leniency.
- There will be no mercy shown to the adulterer by the offended husband.