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i. Herod tries to murder the child Jesus.
- When Herod heard from the wise men which came from the east that the King of the Jews was born, he attempted to find him to kill him (Mat 2:1-8).
- Who do you suppose inspired Herod to murder Jesus when he was less than two years old?
- Remember that Satan is a murderer (Joh 8:44).
- God thwarted the Devil’s attempt by warning the wise men to not return to Herod (Mat 2:12).
- Another battle was lost by the serpent.
- Finding out that he had been mocked by the wise men, Herod issues a genocidal decree to slay all the children in Bethlehem two years and under (Mat 2:16).
- Who do you suppose inspired Herod to murder hundreds of little children in an attempt to kill the Messiah?
- Remember that Satan is a murderer (Joh 8:44).
- God frustrated the Devil’s attempt by warning Joseph in a dream to flee with Mary and Jesus into Egypt until the death of Herod (Mat 2:13-15).
- Another battle was lost by Satan.
ii. Satan personally tempts Jesus to try to get Him to sin.
- After Jesus’ baptism when God publicly declared that Jesus was His Son (Mat 3:16-17), the Devil conducted a full-on assault to destroy Him.
- New converts should beware that Satan will do the same thing to them after they are baptized (Heb 10:32-33).
- Jesus knows what it feels like, and He will help young Christians through those times (Heb 2:18).
- Satan knew that the wages of sin is death (Gen 2:17 c/w Rom 6:23).
- If the devil could just get Jesus to sin, God would have to punish Him with death.
- Satan waited until Christ was in a weakened condition, having just fasted for forty days and forty nights (Mat 4:1-2).
- The first temptation
- Satan begins with his oldest trick in the book: questioning the word of God (Gen 3:1; Mat 4:3).
- God had just declared that Jesus was His Son (Mat 3:17), so Satan begins the temptation by trying to get Christ to question the word of God by saying “If thou be the Son of God.”
- As a man, it would have been enticing for Jesus to prove the word of God to be true by making stones into bread.
- But if Jesus would have done that, He would have conceded to the Devil that the word of God is not sufficient to know the truth.
- Jesus ignored Satan’s suggestion and rebuked him by quoting the scripture to him (Mat 4:4 c/w Deut 8:3).
- Jesus won round one, but the Devil is not finished yet.
- The second temptation
- Next, Satan takes Jesus and sets Him on a pinnacle of the temple (Mat 4:5).
- He tries his same old trick of questioning the word of God and denying that Jesus is the Son of God, but this time with an additional angle (Mat 4:6).
- Satan knew that Jesus knew the scriptures, so he employed the tactic that he later taught to the Jesuits called “learning against learning.”
- He used Psa 91:11-12 out of context to try to convince Jesus to throw Himself down from the temple and expect to be caught by angels.
- Satan has now tried to get Jesus to tempt God by doing something foolish and expecting God to save Him.
- Jesus didn’t conclude that quoting scripture doesn’t work and resort to human reasoning, but rather just refutes him with the scripture again (Mat 4:7 c/w Deut 6:16).
- The Devil has lost round two, but he is still not finished.
- The third temptation
- Questioning the word of God has failed twice for Satan, so he tries a different approach.
- This time he tries to appeal to the three weaknesses of human nature: the lust of eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (1Jo 2:16) by showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and offering them to Him if He would only worship him (Mat 4:8-9).
- Getting Christ to act on lust would have been a sin.
- Getting Christ to worship the Devil to have it would have been a great sin that would have guaranteed His fall.
- Jesus rebuked Satan and once again resisted His temptation with the scripture (Mat 4:10 c/w Deut 6:13).
- Satan had been defeated for a third time.
- Throughout the temptation, Jesus remained steadfast in the faith and sinless, not allowing Satan to destroy Him.
- Jesus here set forth the pattern for resisting the devil and making him flee from us (Mat 4:11 c/w Jam 4:7 c/w 1Pe 5:8-9).
iii. John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, was imprisoned and later murdered by Herod (Mat 4:12; Mat 14:3-11).
- Who do you suppose inspired Herod to murder John the Baptist?
- Remember that Satan is a murderer (Joh 8:44).
- John the Baptist announced the coming of the Messiah to the world (Joh 1:23, 29).
- That good deed would not go unpunished by Satan.
iv. The Pharisees try to kill Jesus.
- When trying to personally tempt and destroy Jesus did not work, Satan sent his children (Joh 8:38, 44; Mat 23:33) after Him.
- The Pharisees tried to stone Him (Joh 8:59; Joh 10:31).
- They tried to take Him (Joh 7:30; Joh 10:39).
- They tried to throw Him off a cliff (Luk 4:29-30).
- Not able to kill Jesus, they tried to tempt Him so that God would.
- They tried to provoke Him to sin (Luk 11:53-54).
- They were never able to convict Him of sin (Joh 8:46).
- They tried to get Him to say something that they could use to accuse him in order to have Him put to death, but were unsuccessful (Luk 20:20; Mar 12:13-14).
- Up to this point all of Satan’s attempts to destroy Jesus using wicked men failed.