The Satan Series

The following is a sermon series on Satan, his origin, his fall, his attributes, his names and titles, his tactics, how to resist him, and his war with God and his people.
The Satan Series (Sermons)
- Satan (Part 01) - Satan's Origin
- Satan (Part 02) - Satan's Fall
- Satan (Part 03) - Satan's Attributes (Part A)
- Satan (Part 04) - Satan's Attributes (Part B)
- Satan (Part 05) - Satan's Names and Titles (Part A)
- Satan (Part 06) - Satan's Names and Titles (Part B); Hollywood
- Satan (Part 07) - Satan's Tactics
- Satan (Part 08) - Resisting Satan
- Satan (Part 09) - The Epic War: The Garden of Eden
- Satan (Part 10) - The Epic War: The Sons of God in Genesis 6
- Satan (Part 11) - The Epic War: The Tower of Babel
- Satan (Part 12) - The Epic War: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah
- Satan (Part 13) - The Epic War: Joseph, Israel in Egypt, David, Solomon
- Satan (Part 14) - The Epic War: Joash, the Birth of Christ
- Satan (Part 15) - The Epic War: Satan Tries to Kill Jesus Christ
- Satan (Part 16) - The Epic War: Christ is Killed and Resurrected
- Satan (Part 17) - The Epic War: The 2nd War in Heaven, Satan Bound
- Satan (Part 18) - The Epic War: Satan Bound 1000 Years, Persecutes the Church
- Satan (Part 19) - The Epic War: Satan Persecutes the Early Church (Part A)
- Satan (Part 20) - The Epic War: Satan Persecutes the Early Church (Part B)
- Satan (Part 21) - The Epic War: Satan Spreads Heresy in the Early Churches
- Satan (Part 22) - The Epic War: False Bibles Flood the World (Part A)
- Satan (Part 23) - The Epic War: False Bibles Flood the World (Part B)
- Satan (Part 24) - The Epic War: False Bibles Flood the World (Part C)
- Satan (Part 25) - The Epic War: The Catholic Church and Her Protestant Daughters
- Satan (Part 26) - The Epic War: Satan is Loosed to Deceive the Nations Again
- Satan (Part 27) - The Epic War: The Counterfeit Nation of Israel (Part A)
- Satan (Part 28) - The Epic War: The Counterfeit Nation of Israel (Part B)
- Satan (Part 29) - The Epic War: The Counterfeit Nation of Israel (Part C)
- Satan (Part 30) - The Epic War: The Counterfeit Nation of Israel (Part D)
- Satan (Part 31) - The Epic War: The Man of Sin and the Beast
- Satan (Part 32) - The Epic War: The Mark of the Beast, The Date of Christ's Return