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I. Resisting Satan
- Satan desires to take control of and destroy God’s children (Luk 22:31).
- He lurks around like a lion looking for weak prey that he may devour (1Pe 5:8).
- Satan can be resisted and made to flee from us (Jam 4:7).
- He must be resisted in the faith, not in the flesh (1Pe 5:9).
- He must be resisted with the word of God, not by psychology or humanistic reasoning and methods (Mat 4:1-10).
- When he is, he will flee from us for a season (Mat 4:11 c/w Luk 4:13).
- Here is the pattern that must be followed to resist all of the devices of Satan.
- Satan tempted Jesus and tried to make Him doubt that He was God’s son (Mat 4:1-11; Luk 4:1-13).
- Satan does the same thing to God’s children and tries to get them to doubt they are sons and daughters of God.
- When Satan levels this attack, we need to resist him steadfast in the faith (1Pe 5:8-9).
- If Satan tries this tactic on you, know that you are not alone.
- Your brethren endure the same afflictions (1Pe 5:9).
- This temptation, like all others, is common to man (1Co 10:13).
- With every temptation, God makes a way for you to escape (1Co 10:13).
- Jesus was tempted in all points as we are (Heb 4:15-16).
- He will help you (Heb 2:18).
- Ask Jesus to increase your faith (Luk 17:5).
- If we resist the devil Biblically, he WILL flee from us (Jam 4:7).
- Jesus showed us how to resist the devil.
- Satan must be resisted with the word of God.
- Satan leveled his attack on Jesus casting doubt on His Sonship saying “If thou be the Son of God…” (Mat 4:3,6).
- Jesus responded by quoting scripture to the devil each time (Mat 4:4,7,10).
- Jesus knew that He was the Son of God because God publicly declared that He was (Mat 3:17), and He therefore could confidently resist the devil’s attacks.
- Jesus rebuked the devil with the word of God, saying “Get the behind me, Satan: for it is written…” (Luk 4:8).
- Jesus as a man resisted the devil by using scripture.
- When Jesus resolutely resisted the devil multiple times, the devil left tempting Him for a season (Luk 4:13).
- We must resist the devil the same way Jesus did.
- Don’t rail against the devil; resist him with the word of God.
- The devil is more powerful than we, but he is not more powerful than God or His word.
- Even Michael the archangel didn’t rebuke the devil on his own merit, but said, “The Lord rebuke thee” (Jud 1:9).
- Just as God told Jesus that He was His beloved Son, God has told us that we are His beloved children (1Jo 5:13; 1Jo 3:1-2).
- The Bible tells us that as believers we are the sons of God (Joh 1:12-13).
- The Bible tells us that as believers we have eternal life (Joh 3:36; Joh 5:24; Joh 6:47).
- The Bible tells us that if we believe that Jesus is the Christ, we are born of God (1Jo 5:1).
- If you believe what the Bible says about Jesus, then believe what it says about you!
- Therefore, when the devil comes to us and says something like:
- “If you were a child of God, God wouldn’t have let that happen to you.”
- “If you were a child of God, you wouldn’t have all the trouble in your life that you do.”
- “If you were a child of God, you would understand more of the Bible than you do.”
- “If you were a child of God, you wouldn’t doubt that you are a child of God.”
- “If you were a child of God, you would have stronger faith.”
- “You’re just a pretender…you’re a phony…you’re a hypocrite.”
- “If you were a child of God, you wouldn’t have just committed that sin.”
- “If you were a child of God, you would act more like Jesus.”
- “If you were a child of God, you wouldn’t be depressed.”
- “If you were a child of God, you wouldn’t have this persisting temptation.”
- Resist him steadfast in the faith by saying: “Get thee behind me Satan, for it is written: ‘Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God'” (1Jo 5:1).
- If you resist the devil in this way, he WILL flee from you (Jam 4:7).
- All of the tactics of Satan which are listed above can be resisted with the scripture.
- His temptations to sin can be resisted with the scripture (Mat 4:1-10).
- His deceptions can be resisted by knowing the truth of scripture.
- His traps can be recognized and avoided by knowing the scriptures.
- His accusations can be answered by quoting God’s word to him.
- His lies can be exposed by the truth of scripture.
- His wresting and perversion of the scripture can be countered by interpreting the Bible the way the Bible teaches us to.
- His murder can be avoided through God’s protection by drawing nigh unto God through His word.
- He will not be able to affect our thoughts and actions if we weigh them by the scriptures.
- If we draw nigh unto God through His word, Satan will not be able to afflict our bodies unless God allows him to for a purpose.
- We must use all the armor that God has given us to resist him (Eph 6:11-13) including:
- Knowing the truth (Eph 6:14).
- Living in righteousness (Eph 6:14).
- Believing and living the gospel (Eph 6:15).
- Having faith in God, that He will protect us (Eph 6:16).
- Having eternal salvation and knowing it (Eph 6:17).
- Knowing the word of God and applying it in our lives (Eph 6:17).
- Praying regularly for help (Eph 6:18).