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The Mighty God (Isa 9:6).
- Mighty – 1. Possessing ‘might’ or power; powerful, potent, strong.
- “The Mighty God” is Jehovah (Jer 32:18; Psa 50:1).
- Jesus is powerful (1Ti 6:15).
- Potentate – 1. A person endowed with independent power; a prince, monarch, ruler.
- This name of Jesus shows that He is the almighty Jehovah God.
The Everlasting Father (Isa 9:6).
- Everlasting adj. – 1. a. Lasting for ever; infinite in future duration; endless; = eternal
- Father – 1. a. One by whom a child is or has been begotten, a male parent, the nearest male ancestor.
- Begotten ppl. – 1. Gotten. 2. Procreated.
- Though Jesus is the Word, the second person of the Trinity, and the Father is the first person of the Trinity, there is a sense in which Jesus is a Father.
- Jesus has children which God gave him (Heb 2:13).
- Jesus quickens His elect (Joh 5:21; Joh 5:25).
- Quicken – 1. a. To give or restore life to; to make alive; to vivify or revive; to animate (as the soul the body).
iii. In a spiritual sense, Jesus has children which He procreated when they were quickened or begotten again (1Pe 1:3).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is the eternal God who gives new spiritual life to His children.
Emmanuel (Isa 7:14; Mat 1:23).
- Emmanuel means “God with us” (Mat 1:23).
- The Word which is God was made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ (Joh 1:1 c/w Joh 1:14).
- Jesus was God manifest in the flesh (1Ti 3:16).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is God manifest in the flesh.
The Lamb of God (Joh 1:29).
- Jesus was the Lamb of God which took away the sin of the world.
- Jesus was the fulfillment of the Passover lamb whose blood God saw and passed over the houses of the Israelites who were sprinkled therewith (Exo 12:3-13 c/w 1Pe 1:19).
- Jesus is our Passover (1Co 5:7).
- He was the Lamb who was slain to take away our sins (Rev 5:6 c/w Heb 9:12).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is the sacrifice which made atonement for our sins.
The Word of God (Rev 19:13).
- Word – I. Speech, utterance, verbal expression. 1. Things said, or something said; speech, talk, discourse, utterance; esp. with possessive, what the person mentioned says or said; (one’s) form of expression or language.
- Religious and theological uses (in sing., mostly with possessive or def. article); often in full, the word of God (God’s word), the word of the Lord, etc. a. A divine communication, command, or proclamation, as one made to or through a prophet or inspired person; esp. the message of the gospel (also the word of Christ, of grace, of life, etc.). b. The Bible, Scripture, or some part or passage of it, as embodying a divine communication. c. the Word (of God, of the Father), the Eternal Word, etc., as a title of Christ: = Logos, q.v.
- The Word is the second person of the Trinity (1Jo 5:7).
- The Word is God and was made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ (Joh 1:1,14).
- Jesus, the Word of God, is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of our hearts (Heb 4:12).
- God has spoken to us by Jesus Christ (Heb 1:2), which is another reason He is called the Word of God.
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is God the second person of the Trinity, and also that He is the method by which God communicates to us.
The Word of Life (1Jo 1:1).
- “The Word of Life” identifies Jesus as the eternal God Who is eternal life (1Jo 1:1-2; 1Jo 5:20).
- Jesus is The Life (Joh 14:6).
- Eternal life is in Jesus Christ (1Jo 5:11-12).
- Christians need to hold onto the Word of Life and cling to Him (Phi 2:15-16).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is eternal life.
The Power of God (1Co 1:24).
- Power – 1. a. Ability to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing. 4. a. Possession of control or command over others; dominion, rule; government, domination, sway, command; control, influence, authority.
- All power was given to Jesus by God (Mat 28:18).
- Being the Power of God, Jesus created all things (Eph 3:9).
- Jesus has power over the elements (Mat 8:26-27).
- Jesus has power to cast out devils and heal people (Luk 9:43).
- Jesus has power over all powers and authorities in heaven and earth (Eph 1:20-22).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is God Who is all-powerful in creation, over the creation, in healing, and in authority over all things.
The Wisdom of God (1Co 1:24).
- Wisdom – The quality or character of being wise, or something in which this is exhibited. 1. a. Capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgement in the choice of means and ends; sometimes, less strictly, sound sense, esp. in practical affairs: opp. to folly.
- as one of the manifestations of the divine nature in Jesus Christ (cf. 1 Cor. i. 24, 30, etc.); hence used as a title of the second person of the Trinity (the Wisdom of the Father); also occas. applied to God or the Trinity.
- Jesus’ title of the Wisdom of God again speaks to the fact that He is the creator of all things (Pro 3:19; Psa 136:5; Jer 51:15).
- Jesus is the wisest man that has ever lived (1Ki 3:12 & 1Ki 4:29-31 c/w Mat 12:42).
- The doctors of the law marveled at Jesus’ understanding when he was only 12 years old (Luk 2:47).
- Jesus’ wisdom is unsearchable (Rom 11:33).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is the Creator of the universe and the wisest man who ever lived.
Wonderful (Isa 9:6).
- Wonderful – 1. Full of wonder; such as to excite wonder or astonishment; marvellous;
- Wonder – 1. a. A marvellous object; a marvel, prodigy.
- Astonishment – 1. Loss of physical sensation, insensibility; paralysis, numbness, deadness.
- God does wonderful works (Psa 40:5).
- Jesus did wonderful things (Mat 21:15).
- Jesus is great and marvellous (Rev 15:3).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is God Who is marvellous, astonishing, and incomprehensible.