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Wokism (Part 7) – Gender Identity (Part C)
- Mutilating children is evil.
- People who harm children, especially God’s little children, have a sore judgment awaiting them (Mat 18:6-10).
- Wicked “doctors” recommend and perform double mastectomies, or so-called “top surgery,” on teenaged children who are confused about their gender.
- Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles was video recorded saying the following.
- “Her words, hair-raising as a fire alarm: “So what we do know is that adolescents actually have the capacity to make a reasoned, logical decision,” she says. “And here’s the other thing about chest surgery: If you want breasts at a later point in your life, you can go and get them.”
- “It’s a shocking statement, the sort of thing parents of these girls send around to each other to prove what sort of monstrous ideology they’re up against. Doctors can’t really be that flippant about recommending girls for double mastectomy, can they? Surely someone who believes in recommending girls as young as thirteen for top surgery―as Dr. Olson-Kennedy does―takes that responsibility quite seriously. (Yes, thirteen-year-old girls can undergo “top surgery” in California.) Surely such doctors recognize the patient’s profound loss, even if they ultimately recommend it?” (Ibid, p. 172)
- Abigail Shrier emailed Dr. Olson-Kennedy to see if she wanted to clarify her statement. She responded only to ask what publication she wrote for, but never responded again (Ibid, pp. 181-182).
- Hugh McLean
- “Top surgery is a very popular procedure for natal female adolescents who identify as men. I spoke with Dr. Hugh McLean, a prominent “top surgeon” in Toronto, who’s been performing masculinizing mastectomies on biological women since a patient first requested one in 1999.
- “‘The most gratifying thing seems to be seeing all the smiles,’ he told me. ‘You know, it’s a group of patients that’s so eager to have their surgery, it just seems to be gratifying in terms of their positive results, their happiness and their well-being.’ Dr. McLean told me he has personally performed ‘way over a thousand’ top surgeries in total, on patients as young as sixteen.
- “Dr. McLean actually feels pretty great about what he’s doing for patients. So good, in fact, that his practice’s Instagram account features a picture of his associate top surgeon wearing a Santa’s cap and holding two white vats, each labeled “breast tissue” ―apparently, just removed from his patients. Delivering Christmas joy, it seems, two mastectomies at a time.” (Ibid, p. 174)
- “Top surgeons like Dr. McLean do not require a therapist’s referral; their patients are admitted for surgery based on their own desire to appear more like a boy (or a “non-binary” person). His website states, ‘For us, the diagnosis is made by the patient, not the doctor, in the same way that a patient seeking breast enlargement is the one who diagnoses her own breasts as being too small.’
- “But surely there are girls who misdiagnose their own gender dysphoria? They aren’t doctors, after all. His patients, as we have seen, come as young as sixteen. ‘Have you turned patients away?’ I ask him. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘but so rarely that I can’t actually think of specific cases.’” (Ibid, p. 175)
- Damnable smartphones and social media are fueling the transgender craze.
- There would be no transgender craze were it not for the internet, smartphones, and social media.
- Teen depression and suicide has risen dramatically since the advent of the iPhone and social media in the mid-to-late 2000s.
- “Between 2009 and 2017, the number of high schoolers who contemplated suicide increased by 25 percent. The number of teens diagnosed with clinical depression grew 37 percent between 2005 and 2014. And the worst hit―experiencing depression at a rate three times that of boys―were teenage girls.
- “Lest one assume that these girls are merely reporting their depression in greater numbers (and not necessarily experiencing more of it), Haidt points out that the average rates of self-harm reflect the same spike: an increase of 62 percent since 2009―all among teenage girls. Among preteen girls aged ten to fourteen, rates of self-harm are up 189 percent since 2010, nearly triple what they were only six years before.
- “What happened? Podcast host Joe Rogan asked Haidt. Why the sudden spike in anxiety, depression, self-harm? “Social media,” was Haidt’s immediate reply.
- “As Twenge wrote for The Atlantic, “It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Much of this deterioration can be traced to their phones.”
- “The iPhone was released in 2007. By 2018―a decade later―95 percent of teens had access to a smartphone and 45 percent reported being online “almost constantly.” Tumblr, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube―all very popular with teens―host a wide array of visual tutorials and pictorial inspiration to self-harm: anorexia (“thinspiration” or “thinspo”), cutting, and suicide. Posting one’s experiences with any of these afflictions offers the chance to win hundreds―even thousands―of followers. Anorexia, cutting, and suicide have all spiked dramatically since the arrival of the smartphone.” (Ibid, pp. 3-4)
- “Two patterns stood out: First, the clear majority (65 percent) of the adolescent girls who had discovered transgender identity in adolescence―“out of the blue”―had done so after a period of prolonged social media immersion. Second, the prevalence of transgender identification within some of the girls’ friend groups was more than seventy times the expected rate.” (Ibid, p. 26)
- In the section of her book on “What should we do for our girls?”, Shrier’s first prescription to save children from the transgender craze is:
- “1. Don’t Get Your Kid a Smartphone
- “Parents will balk; parents will groan. Most consider this an unimaginable amputation. How could I separate a teen from her iPhone? But in terms of obviousness, this one’s not even hard. It practically writes itself.
- “Nearly every novel problem teenagers face traces itself back to 2007 and the introduction of Steve Jobs’s iPhone. In fact, the explosion in self-harm can be so precisely pinpointed to the introduction of this one device that researches [sic] have little doubt that it is the cause. If I had told you in 2007 that one device would produce a sudden skyrocketing in self-harm among teens and tweens, you would likely have said, “No way is my kid getting one.” And yet, here we are: the statistical explosion of bullying, cutting, anorexia, depression, and the rise of sudden transgender identification is owed to the self-harm instruction, manipulation, abuse, and relentless harassment supplied by a single smartphone.” (Ibid, p. 212)
- Follow not a multitude to do evil (to your children) (Exo 23:2).
- Parents should seriously consider the potential harm that could be done to their children before allowing them to have a smartphone (Pro 4:25-27; Pro 14:15; Pro 22:3).
- To give or allow your child to have a smartphone without severely locking it down is the equivalent of:
- giving him a porn movie to watch
- giving him a Playboy to read
- taking him to a strip club
- taking her to a drag show
- taking him to a raunchy comedy show
- letting him call a 1-900 sex hotline
- taking her to a one-on-one meeting with a transgender activist or therapist
- taking him to a party full of worldly kids with no supervision
- sending him to attend the church of Satan or a myriad of other false religious services
- allowing him to hang out with kids with filthy mouths
- taking him to watch a violent fight
- Most parents wouldn’t even consider letting their children do any of the things listed above, but they think nothing of giving them a smartphone where all of those types of things are accessible at the tap of a screen.
- Make not provision for your children to fulfill their lusts by giving them a smartphone and letting them have unrestricted use of the internet (Rom 13:14).
- If you think that your children will not use their phones to access evil things like porn and the like, you are woefully naïve and out of touch with reality.
- “Trans influencers” on social media lead confused children into the cult of transgenderism.
- “Ecstatic about being “on T,” pitying those who can’t yet “get access” because their “gatekeeping” parents won’t allow it, they are the undeniable drug and surgery boosters of the trans world. Many of them peddle misinformation, outright medical falsehoods, or just bad advice. They extol the glories of testosterone as if it were a protein shake, not a Schedule III controlled substance. They enthuse over double mastectomies as if they were of no more significance than a haircut. They refer to skeptical parents as “toxic”―and encourage their audience to upgrade to a trans “glitter family.”
- “They coach you to lie to doctors by inventing a history of childhood dysphoria or omitting your own mental health history. They suggest that suicidality looms large―but can be banished quickly with transition. Better to transition right now, before your dysphoria demons overtake you.” (Ibid, p. 55)
- Parents must protect their children from these evil people before their children are destroyed by being a companion of fools (Pro 13:20).
- They must ensure that their children are not exposed to these wicked people on social media who seek to lead them astray (Pro 4:14-15; Pro 14:7; Pro 19:27).
- Peer pressure and bad influences at school.
- The transgender craze among teenage girls is largely exacerbated by the bad influence of their “friends” at school.
- “Eventually, Dr. Littman discovered websites where parents were describing what would become, to her, a familiar pattern: A daughter with social struggles and anxiety, but no manifestations of gender identity issues in childhood, enters high school. She falls in with a group of friends in which many of the kids come out as “transgender.” The daughter makes a similar announcement about herself; then her mental health worsens. “They didn’t find their ‘true selves’ and flourish,” Dr. Littman recalled from the parent reports she read. The daughters “became more angry and sullen and hostile to the parents.” The more they suffered dysphoria, the more they pulled away from the people who might help.” (Ibid, p. 33)
- “Psychologists who study peer influence ask what it is about teenage girls that makes them so susceptible to peer contagion and so good at spreading it. Many believe it has something to do with the way girls tend to socialize. “When we listen to girls versus boys talk to each other, girls are much more likely to reply with statements that are validating and supportive than questioning,” Amanda Rose, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri, told me. “They’re willing to suspend reality to get into their friends’ worlds more. For this reason, adolescent girls are more likely to take on, for instance, the depression their friends are going through and become depressed themselves.’” (Ibid, pp. 35-36)
- This is happening everywhere, not just in Californian and other ultra-liberal cities.
- My 3rd cousin’s daughter who goes to the little rural school that I did now thinks she is “nonbinary.”
- In the same school, a few years ago most of the girls in my niece’s elementary school class claimed to be lesbians for a season.
- “By the end of the seventh grade, Faith’s daughter decided she was “asexual,” and then “trans.” She had never even kissed a boy, had not yet gotten her period. But the new identity gave her both a cause and a team.
- “‘All her friends are bisexual,” her mother told me, a year after her daughter’s announcement. “There’s only one heterosexual girl in her little crew. Everybody else is lesbian, bisexual. My daughter had to one-up them and be ‘trans.’
- “Another mom, Angela, who sends her daughter to public school in Northern Virginia, told me the same: all of her daughter’s friends at school identify as transgender, or lesbian, or gay, or bi.” (Ibid, pp. 69-70)
- Parents should be diligent to know what is going on in their children’s lives and know who their friends are.
- Bad friends will make a bad outcome in a child’s life (1Co 15:33; Pro 13:20).
- Ungodly friends will vex and corrupt your children’s souls (2Pe 2:7-8).
- Your children will learn their friends’ ways (Pro 22:24-25).
- If you allow your children to be companions of ungodly friends, they will bring you to shame (Pro 28:7).
- Don’t fall for the lie that your children can be good examples that will have a positive impact on the lives of their evil friends.
- Your child’s goodness will not sanctify his friends (Hag 2:11-12).
- But your child’s friends’ wickedness will defile him (Hag 2:13).