Wokism (Part 8) – Gender Identity (Part D)

January 28 2024

Series: Wokism


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Wokism (Part 8) – Gender Identity (Part D)

Schools are pushing for and facilitating transgenderism in children.

  1. Public schools are public cesspools (the next few pages will make this apparent if it was not already).
    1. A kindergartener who knows that “God made them male and female” (Mar 10:6) has more understanding than his blockheaded teachers (Psa 119:99).
    2. God’s message to Israel of old applies to public school children in our day: “thy teachers have transgressed against me” (Isa 43:27).
    3. Any teacher who teaches or promotes transgenderism to children has a sore punishment awaiting him (Mat 18:6).
  1. The National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the country, recently “recommended that teachers include the controversial book “Gender Queer” on their summer reading lists.” (
  2. “‘The consequences of not affirming a child’s gender identity can be severe, and it can interfere with their ability to develop and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships,’ the National Education Association (NEA) warns.” (Abigail Shrier, Irreversible Damage, p. 73)
  3. “‘Not having their gender identity respected and affirmed in their daily lives will likely cause [trans-identified students] significant psychological distress,’ according to the NEA.” (Ibid, p. 75)
  4. “In June 2019, the policy-making arm of the California Teachers Association (CTA) met in Los Angeles at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. On the agenda for the public school teacher’s union quarterly meetings were a number of routine items: the recent election of new officers, the union’s continuing efforts to monitor new charter-school activity. And the delegates voted on New Business Item, #6/19-12, requiring “immediate action.” This was a proposal to allow trans-identified minor students to leave campus during school hours to obtain gender hormone treatments without parental permission.
  5. “The rationale for the new policy was simple: California state law already allowed “cis minors” to leave school to “receive hormones (that is, birth control) without the barrier of parental permission.” Trans kids should also be entitled to leave school to obtain their hormones. The delegates voted, and the new item was approved. The CTA would begin to pursue a policy of allowing students age twelve and up to walk out the door during the school day to obtain cross-sex hormones.
  6. “As if that weren’t enough, in January 2020 the CTA’s Civil Rights in Education Subcommittee kicked things up a notch. The committee moved to create “school-based health care clinics” that would provide “cisgender, transgender and non-binary youth equal and confidential access to a broad range of physical, mental and behavioral services” (emphasis added). Additional votes are needed before this policy can go into effect. But with any luck, in short order California’s minor students who want cross-sex hormones will not only be able to obtain them without parents’ knowledge or permission―they may be able to do so without leaving school grounds.” (Ibid, pp. 59-60) (emphasis in the original)
  7. “California boasts the most comprehensive state-wide gender identity and sexual orientation instruction, statutorily mandatory for all students enrolled in grades K-12 and explicitly barring parental opt-out. A clever legerdemain enabled this feat. California law explicitly allows parental opt-out from sexual health education. But the California legislature exempted all materials related to “gender identity, gender expression” and “sexual orientation” from that opt-out. Such instruction―educators contend―is essential to prevent discrimination, harassment, and bullying. In order to protect gay and trans kids from harassment, in other words, it was necessary for all children to receive gender identity and sexual orientation instruction.” (Ibid, pp. 60-61) (emphasis in the original)
  8. “Educators, activists, and legislators are studying California’s blueprints. New York, New Jersey, Colorado, Illinois, Northern Virginia, and Oregon public schools have already adopted a radical approach to gender in their curricula and policies.” (Ibid, pp. 60)
  9. “California, New Jersey, Colorado, and Illinois all have laws mandating LGBTQ history be taught in schools.” (Ibid, pp. 60)
  10. Elementary school
    1. “This is how gender ideology is taught in schools: with the materials, curricula, speakers, and teacher training supplied by gender activists. Kindergarteners are introduced to the “Genderbread Person” and “Gender Unicorn.” Kindergarten teachers read from I am Jazz, and the little ones are taught that they might have a “girl brain in a boy body” or vice versa.” (Ibid, p. 64)
    2. “The California Board of Education provides, through its virtual libraries, a book intended for kindergarten teachers to read to their students: Who Are You? The Kid’s Guide to Gender Identity by Brook Pessin-Whedbee. The author begins with a familiar origin story: “Babies can’t talk, so grown-ups make a guess by looking at their bodies. This is the sex assigned to you at birth, male or female.
    3. “This author runs the gamut of typical kindergarten gender identity instruction. Who Are You? offers kids a smorgasbord of gender options. (“These are just a few words people use: trans, genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, transgender, gender neutral, agender, neutrois, bigender, third gender, two-spirit. . . .”) The way baby boomers once learned to rattle off state capitals, elementary school kids are now taught today’s gender taxonomy often enough to have committed it to memory. And while gender ideologies insist they are merely presenting an objective ontology, it is hard to miss that they seem to hope kids will pick a fun, “gender-creative” option for themselves.
    4. “Lindsay Amer is an educator who identifies as “queer”―that is, outside the binary of traditional genders. Amer regularly visits schools to play her ukulele and sing a song Amer wrote for preschoolers (think of it as the gender ideologue’s answer to “Free to Be You and Me”): “It’s OK to be gay. We are different in many ways. Doesn’t matter if you’re a boy, girl or somewhere in between, we all are part of one big family. Gay means ‘happy.’
    5. “In her view, preschool kids must be taught about gender because “[t]his is when children are developing their sense of self. They’re observing the world around them, absorbing that information and internalizing it.” What kids require, then, is the gender vocabulary to enable them to pick out their own point on the spectrum.” (Ibid, pp. 65-66)
    6. “The last tenet of gender ideology that Who Are You? presents is a child’s feelings as an infallible indicator of gender: “You are who you say you are, because YOU know best,” the book coos. A hell of a thing, really, telling small children they know best. Parents must listen to their children, the book insists; but what it really seems to mean is that parents must agree with them.” (Ibid, p. 66) (emphasis in the original)
  11. Middle school
    1. “Positive Prevention PLUS is among the most highly respected health curricula in use in schools that employ gender-identity instruction. This curriculum, designed for middle school students, instructs teachers to engage students in an “Imagining a Different Gender Activity.” Teachers are directed: “Ask students to stand up, turn around twice, and sit down again. Then say, ‘I want each of you to imagine that you are a different gender.’” If the students fail to engage, the teacher should press them: “Ask ‘What would be different in your life if you were a different gender?’ List student responses on the board. . . . Then ask, ‘How would you feel to be another gender? What things in your life would not change if you are another gender?’” (Ibid, p. 66)
  12. Schools are intentionally hiding children’s transgenderism from their parents.
    1. Schools in some states are following NEA recommendations to intentionally not inform parents (and actively hide from them) that their child has “come out” as trans at school.
    2. “The affirmation of trans-identified students is so essential to their welfare and safety, according to educators, that it is the policy of the National Education Association and many public schools, including those in California, New York, and New Jersey, that when a trans-identified student “comes out” at school, the parents not be informed. In cases where the student claims to have unsupportive parents, as we have seen, school administrators and staff even go so far as to conceal the student’s newly announced identity from the parents, while surreptitiously changing the child’s name and pronouns on all school forms.
    3. “‘Privacy and confidentiality are critically important for transgender students who do not have supportive families. In those situations, even inadvertent disclosures could put the student in a potentially dangerous situation at home, so it is important to have a plan in place to help avoid any mistakes or slip-ups,’ according to the NEA.
    4. “The NEA even recommends that schools use a confidential “Gender Support Plan,” created by the activist group Gender Spectrum. This form explicitly asks, “Are guardian(s) of this student aware and supportive of their child’s gender transition? Yes/No.” And, ‘If not, what considerations must be accounted for in implementing this plan?’” (Ibid, p. 74)
  13. Many educators (indoctrinators) think that parental rights do not extend inside the doors of the indoctrination center.
    1. “But as fifth grade public school teacher C. Scott Miller explained to me, parents can’t always get what they want. ‘Even parents that come in and say, ‘I don’t want my kid to be called that.’ That’s nice, but their parental right ended when those children were enrolled in public school.’” (Ibid, p. 75)
    2. Do your child’s teachers, administrators, and school board members feel the same way?
    3. You better find out.

What parents should do.

  1. The best thing parents can do is to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4; Pro 22:6).
  2. Teach them the truth from the scriptures beginning at a very young age (Deut 4:9; Deut 6:6-7).
  3. Spend time with them; talk with them; make sure they are comfortable telling or asking you anything.
  4. Protect your children.
    1. Keep them away from ungodly influences such as television, movies, the internet, social media, smartphones, and friends who do not share your Christian values (1Co 15:33; Psa 101:3-4).
    2. Be hyper vigilant to know what your children are being taught in school and who their friends are.
    3. Ask their teachers, administrators, and school board members if your children are being taught gender ideology in school. Make them answer you.
    4. Tell their teachers, administrators, and school board members in no uncertain terms that you will not tolerate any teaching of, or even mentioning of, trangenderism to your children.
    5. Withdraw your children from any school which is pushing the transgender agenda (Eph 5:11).
  1. Gender ideology glossary
    1. The following terms are from an article called “Glossary of Must-Know Gender Identity Terms” published on (
    2. These are examples of “vain babblings” (1Ti 6:20; 2Ti 2:16).

Agender: Referring to a person who does not identify with any gender identities, most people who use agender don’t feel that they have a gender at all.

Androgynous: Referring to a person with a gender identity or presentation that is neutral or has both masculine and feminine parts. Synonyms include null-gender, androgyne, genderless, and neutrosis.

Bigender: Referring to a person who identifies with two different genders at the same time.

Cisgender or Cisnormativity: A person whose gender identity or subconscious sex aligns with the sex that they were assigned at birth. For example, a person assigned the sex of a male at birth who identifies as male gender would be considered cisgender. Similarly, a person assigned the sex of female at birth and who identifies as female gender would be cisgender. Most people are cisgender and so this is considered the “norm,” which can lead to systemic and unintentional prejudice against trans people in society. However, cisgender individuals can also be gender non-conforming. The Latin prefix “cis” means “on the same side.”

Cross-Dresser: A person who wears clothing that is not typical for their gender. Usually, the term is used for men who prefer to dress in women’s clothing. This may be done for self-expression or other reasons. Synonyms include transvestite or drag queen. Being a cross-dresser does not automatically equal being transgender, some people may just do this to express themselves.

Deadname: Name assigned at birth that the individual does not identify with. Deadnames reflect the idea that the name is no longer how the person identifies, hence the word “dead.” Being deadnamed can cause trans people to experience dysphoria.

Demigender/Demiboy/Demigirl: The prefix “demi” indicates a person who has the experience of partially identifying with a particular gender and includes those who may be nonbinary. Other related terms include demienby and demitrans.

Femme: Referring to a person with a gender identity or expression that leans toward being feminine in general. A person who is femme does not necessarily identify as a woman and is not necessarily assigned the female sex at birth by a doctor.

Gender Apathetic: Referring to a person who does not care about their gender nor how they appear to others in terms of their gender. In other words, they do not identify with any particular gender.

Gender Binary: A binary division of gender into only two types (man or woman) which is expected to match the sex assigned at birth (male, female, or intersex). This system does not allow for people who identify with a gender that does not fit the binary system or people who feel their gender is fluid rather than fixed.

Gender Conforming: Referring to a person who follows the rules of society about how genders should act, behave, and appear to others.

Gender Dysphoria: A medical diagnosis and term to reflect the distress experienced by individuals who have a misalignment between their sex assigned at birth and the gender that they identify with internally. This means that a person doesn’t feel right about their body parts, physical characteristics, or societal interactions in terms of their internal experience of gender.

Gender Expansive: Referring to people who work to make culture more inclusive in terms of gender expression, gender roles, and gender norms in society.

Genderfluid: Referring to a person who shifts between genders or who feels as though their gender changes over time either rapidly or gradually.

Gender Identity: A core sense of the self as being a woman, man, or neither. This does not always align with the sex assigned at birth and can develop and change over time. It also cannot be assumed based on outward physical characteristics.

Gender-Inclusive Pronouns: Pronouns that are neutral and can be used by both transgender and cisgender people. For example, the words they, them, and theirs when used to refer to a single person are gender-neutral pronouns.

Gender Queer: Referring to a person who does not align with the gender binary of man vs. woman.

Gender Questioning: Referring to a person who is questioning aspects of their gender such as their gender identity or gender expression.

Graygender: Referring to a person who does not experience a strong pull toward any particular gender identity or expression.

Intergender: Referring to a person who does not experience one gender, but rather falls between male and female gender identities.

Intersex: A person born with characteristics that are not easily categorized as male or female (e.g., reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones). For example, a man could be born with ovaries instead of testes or a woman could be born with XY chromosomes. Intersex occurs at a rate of about one in 1500 births but most people are assigned either male or female sex at birth regardless of being intersex. Intersex people may identify with their assigned sex, identify with the opposite sex, or identify as intersex. They do not usually identify as trans (transgender or transsexual).

LGBTTTIQ: An acronym representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, two-spirit, intersex, and queer.

LGBT: An acronym representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender.

LGBTQIA+: An acronym representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/ally, etc.

LGBTQ+: An acronym representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, etc. This acronym is internationally recognized.

LGBTQ2: An acronym representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and two-spirit.

LGBTI: An acronym representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex.

Maverique: A person who experiences their gender identity to be separate from current categories and descriptions.

Misgender: Calling someone by the wrong pronoun or using language that is not inclusive to their gender identity.

Multi-gender: People who identify with more than one gender. This includes people who identify as bigender, trigender, pangender, polygender, and in some cases, genderfluid.

Neutrois: People who have a gender that is neither male nor female. This includes nonbinary, genderless, genderfluid, and agender identities.

Nonbinary: Nonbinary (sometimes called enby or nb) is an umbrella term for anyone who falls outside the gender binary of male or female. Some people simply identify as non-binary and some identify as a specific type of nonbinary identity. Examples include genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, bigender, etc.

Novigender: A gender identity used to describe the experience of people who don’t feel that their gender can be described using existing categories due to its complexity.

Omnigender: A person who identifies with all gender identities.

Pangender: A gender identity that involves experiencing many different gender identities simultaneously.

Polygender and Pangender: The experience of displaying different parts from multiple gender identities.

Queer: Previously used as a derogatory term for transgender and transsexual individuals, which has since been reclaimed by the community to display their identities with pride.

Questioning: People who are in the process of questioning their gender identity and wish to explore different options.

Sex: A classification system assigned at birth based on a person’s physical characteristics, reproductive systems, chromosomes, hormones, and secondary sex characteristics. Sex is generally classified at birth as male, female, or intersex based on the appearance of the external genitalia. If these are ambiguous, sex is assigned based on internal genitalia, hormones, and chromosomes. Sex is generally recorded on the birth certificate but can sometimes be changed on this document as well as on other legal documents such as a driver’s license.

Social Dysphoria: A type of gender dysphoria that arises from distress about how other people label, interact with or perceive an individual. It can also be a result of one’s own behavior that is at odds with their gender identity.

Third Gender: The term third gender comes from native and non-Western cultures. It refers to a gender category that does not divide simply into male or female.

Trans Man/Trans Woman: A trans man is someone who was assigned the sex of “female” at birth but who identifies as a man (also known as female-to-male or FTM). A trans woman is someone who was assigned the sex of “male” at birth but who identifies as a woman (also known as male-to-female or MTF).

Transfeminine: Having a feminine gender identity but being assigned a different sex at birth.

Transgender/Trans: Transgender is as an umbrella term for anyone who identifies as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth. This includes trans men or women and non-binary identities such as genderfluid, genderqueer, and agender.

Transitioning: Activities engaged in by trans individuals to affirm their gender identity such as changing their name, clothing, pronouns, sex designation, etc. This can include medical treatments such as hormone therapy, sex reassignment surgery, etc. This process is different for every person and the time it takes and activities that are engaged in are not universal.

Transmasculine: Having a masculine gender identity but being assigned a different sex at birth.

Transpositive: This term refers to the opposite of transphobia. This type of attitude is validating and accepting of transsexual and transgender individuals and celebrates their rights.

Transsexual: A person whose gender identity is different from the sex that they were assigned at birth. Transsexual generally means the individual has had gender-affirming surgeries and has fully gone through with their transition.

Transphobia: Intolerance, fear, aversion, prejudice, harassment, discrimination, violence, or hatred aimed at trans individuals and trans communities based on stereotypes and misconceptions.

Trigender: The experience of having three gender identities at the same time.

Two-Spirit: Two-Spirit is an important term in many indigenous cultures. It has no set definition but is mainly used to describe a spiritual view of gender or sexuality. It can be used to describe sexual orientation, gender identity, or spiritual identity. It is a term specific to Indigenous cultures and using it as a non-indigenous person would be cultural appropriation.

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