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I. Satan’s attributes
- He is a spirit.
- He is the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience (Eph 2:2 c/w Luk 4:5-6 c/w Joh 12:31).
- He is not flesh and blood (Eph 6:11-12; Joh 13:27).
- He is not eternal.
- He was created and therefore is not eternal (Eze 28:15).
- He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is eternal (Deu 33:27; 1Ti 1:17).
- The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is eternal proves that he is not eternal.
- He is not omnipotent.
- He was bound by Jesus Christ and therefore is not omnipotent (Rev 20:1-2).
- He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is omnipotent (Rev 19:6).
- The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is omnipotent proves that he is not omnipotent.
- He is not omnipresent.
- He will flee from us when properly resisted which means that he is not omnipresent (Mat 4:10-11; Jam 4:7).
- He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is omnipresent (Pro 15:3).
- The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is eternal omnipresent proves that he is not omnipresent.
- He is not omniscient.
- There are things that Satan doesn’t know; therefore, he is not omniscient (1Co 2:7-8).
- He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is omniscient (Psa 147:5).
- The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is omniscient proves that he is not omniscient.
- He is not God.
- He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14), which proves that he is not God.
- He is the god of this world (2Co 4:4).
- He is powerful.
- He is able to keep people in spiritual darkness who can only be freed by the preaching of the gospel (Act 26:18).
- He can provoke God’s children to sin (1Ch 21:1).
- He can destroy a man’s livelihood, family, and health if God permits him to (Job 1:12-19; Job 2:7-8).
- He was the chief of the angels, one of which can kill hundreds of thousands of men in one night (2Ki 19:35).
- He is able to bind people with physical affliction for years (Luk 13:16).
- He is able to hinder the saints from traveling to see each other (1Th 2:18).
- He is able to do convincing lying signs and wonders (2Th 2:9).
- He is very intelligent.
- As Lucifer, he sealed up the sum and was full of wisdom (Eze 28:12).
- In other words, in Lucifer was given more wisdom than in any other created being.