Satan (Part 04) – Satan’s Attributes (Part B)

May 20 2018

Series: Satan

Topic: Satan

Satan Series

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  1. He has musical talent.
    1. He was given the ability to create musical instruments such as tabrets and pipes (Eze 28:13).
      1. Workmanship – 1. The performance or execution of work or a work; work, labour: in early use often, the labour or amount of labour performed on a particular task or piece of work.
      2. Tabret – 1. A small tabor; a timbrel.
  • Tabor – 1. The earlier name of the drum; in later use (esp. since the introduction of the name drum in the 16th c.), A small kind of drum, used chiefly as an accompaniment to the pipe or trumpet; a taborin or tabret.
  1. Timbrel – A musical instrument of percussion; a tambourine or the like that could be held up in the hand.
  2. Pipe – 1. a. A musical wind-instrument consisting of a single tube of reed, straw, or (now usually) wood, blown by the mouth, such as a flageolet, flute, or oboe.
  1. It is no wonder that his religion has a lot of musical instruments in it (Dan 3:5; Rev 18:21-22).
  1. He is subtle.
    1. Satan came to Eve in the garden of Eden and deceived her through subtlety (Gen 3:1-6; 2Co 11:3).
    2. Subtilty – 1. Acuteness, penetration, perspicacity 2. Skill, cleverness, dexterity  3. Cunning, craftiness, guile
    3. Beguile – 1. trans. To entangle or over-reach with guile; to delude, deceive, cheat.
    4. He is wily (Eph 6:11).
    5. Wile – 1. A crafty, cunning, or deceitful trick; a sly, insidious, or underhand artifice; a stratagem, ruse. Formerly sometimes in somewhat wider sense: A piece of deception, a deceit, a delusion.
  2. He is a liar.
    1. Satan is the father of lies (Joh 8:44).
    2. Lie – 1. a. An act or instance of lying; a false statement made with intent to deceive; a criminal falsehood.
  3. He can be transformed into an angel of light.
    1. Satan was once an angel of light prior to his fall, and he can transform himself into one at will (2Co 11:13-15).
    2. Satan can enter into false ministers or Christians and work through them (Luk 22:3-4).
    3. If an angel of light ever appears to you and preaches another gospel, don’t believe it (Gal 1:8-9).
  4. He is beautiful.
    1. Lucifer was perfect in beauty (Eze 28:12, 17).
    2. Satan is often portrayed as a grotesque creature, but the scripture doesn’t describe him as such.
  5. He is proud.
    1. Lucifer’s heart was lifted up because of his beauty (Eze 28:17).
    2. He was not content to be the anointed covering cherub, he had to be like the most High (Isa 14:12-14).
    3. He was condemned for his pride (1Ti 3:6).
    4. God resisted the proud devil (Jam 4:6; 1Pe 5:5).
    5. God used Satan’s pride as a fire in the midst of him to destroy him (Eze 28:18).
      1. Pride comes from within and defiles a man (Mar 7:21-23).
      2. Pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall (Pro 16:18; Pro 18:12).
  • The devil’s pride brought him low (Pro 29:23) — all the way down to hell (Isa 14:13-15).
  1. He is a sinner.
    1. Satan was the first sinner (Eze 28:15-16, 18).
    2. He sinned from the beginning (1Jo 3:8).
  2. He has children.
    1. Numerous men were called children of the devil in scripture (Joh 8:44; Act 13:10; 1Jo 3:12).
    2. Many times, children of the devil masquerade as children of God (Joh 8:41-42).
    3. The children of the devil are manifest by their works (1Jo 3:8-10).
    4. Satan’s children are thus by imitation, not by generation (Joh 8:41).

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