Sermons and Bible Studies
The following is a list of all of the sermons and Bible study recordings on this website. They are in alphabetical order for your convenience.
To filter the sermons and Bible studies by title, date, series, and topic, click here.
- 70 Weeks Prophecy (12-part series)
- A Pastor's Wife
- A Word of Comfort for a Dying Saint
- Abortion and Gay Marriage - The Judgment of God
- Adultery and Church Membership
- Alcohol (2-part series)
- Aliens
- Alive Without the Law (2-part series)
- Alive Without the Law (2025) (2-part series)
- All Things to All Men (2-part series)
- American "Christianity"
- Amish Beliefs and Practices
- An Overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation (7-part series)
- Annihilation Refutation
- Another Jesus (5-part series)
- Anxiety (17-part series)
- Appreciate Your Pastor
- Approval, Commendation, and Praise of Men (2-part series)
- Are the Bible Stories to be Taken Literally? (2-part series)
- Ask the Pastor (9-part series)
- Assurance of Salvation (2-part series)
- Balaam (14-part series)
- Baptism and Its Five Biblical Qualifications
- Baptism (2-part series)
- Baptist Bride Refutation (3-part series)
- Baptist Church History (7-part series)
- Barrenness
- Basic Bible Doctrine (17-part series)
- Be Careful for Nothing (Coronavirus and the Greater Depression)
- Be Not Conformed to This World
- Being Called to the Ministry
- Being in Christ
- Ben Fritzel's Funeral
- Beverly Fitzhugh's Funeral
- Big Buts in the Bible
- Bitterness and Resentment
- Bodybuilding (2-part series)
- Bus Driving by the Bible
- Can Sinners Do Good?
- Characteristics of a Dead Church - The Church of Sardis
- Charity (1Co 13)
- Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God
- Child Discipline, Training, and Education (2-part series)
- Christmas - The Winter Solstice is the Real Reason for the Season
- Church Discipline (11-part series)
- Church Discipline and Pastoral Rule (4-part series)
- Churches are Not Businesses and Preachers are Not Salesmen
- Civil Laws - To Obey or Not To Obey?
- Communication (2-part series)
- Communion (5-part series)
- Conrad Jarrell's 1975 Speech at the Stone Mountain Rally
- Contentment and Thankfulness
- Corrupt Communication
- Corruption in Modern Bible Versions (4-part series)
- Counting All Things But Loss for Christ (Php 3:7-15)
- Covid-19 Vaccines (4-part series)
- Creation vs. Evolution (3-part series)
- Dating and Preparing for Marriage (7-part series)
- David's Life - A Warning to Christians (4-part series)
- Dealing With a Beef With Your Pastor
- Dealing With Adversity
- Dealing With Child Molestation and Child Sexual Abuse
- Dealing With Depression and Stress
- Dealing With Difficult People (OH)
- Dealing With Difficult People (PA)
- Dealing With Disappointment
- Dealing With Doubts
- Dealing With Fear
- Dealing With Hardship
- Dealing With Problems in the Church (2-part series)
- Dealing With Prolonged Sickness
- Dealing With Suffering
- Dealing With the Death of a Loved One
- Deception (18-part series)
- Devil Possession, Mental Illness, and Bad Behavior (3-part series)
- Divide and Conquer - Acts 23:6-10 (2-part series)
- Does God Only Enable the Elect to Believe and the Rest is Up to Them? (4-part series)
- Don't Waste Your Life (4-part series)
- Facing Death (2-part series)
- "Famous Interview” with Joe Dimino Featuring Pastor and Author Chad Wagner
- Fasting
- Fear, Anxiety, and Panic (17-part series)
- Fear Not Little Flock
- Feetwashing
- Finding Contentment Being Single
- Five Love Languages (2-part series)
- Five Phases of Salvation
- Flat Earth Refutation (2-part series)
- Flattering Titles
- Focusing on What Really Matters as a Pastor
- Following Jesus (2-part series)
- Food and Drink (5-part series)
- Fret Not Thyself (because of the lockdown)
- Fruit of the Spirit (6-part series)
- Giving to God (2-part series)
- God and Our Saviour Jesus Christ (2Pe 1:1; Tit 2:13) - Refuting James White
- God Our Ebenezer (1Samuel 7) (2-part series)
- God's Elect
- God's Love (2-part series)
- God is in Control - Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (Trump Assassination Attempt)
- Greet One Another With An Holy Kiss
- Gun Rights and Self Defense
- Halloween - The Druids are the Real Reason for the Season
- Happiness
- Hard Times Are Coming - Get Prepared
- He Shall Save His People From Their Sins (Mat 1:21)
- Heaven (37-part series)
- Hell, the Lake of Fire, and Eternal Judgment (3-part series)
- His Needs, Her Needs (4-part series)
- Hollywood is Full of Devils
- House Church Movement
- How God Helps Us to Muddle Through Life
- How to Effectively Contend for the Faith by Following Jesus' Example (Joh 4:3-42)
- How to Relate to Your Pastor
- How to Start a Non-501c3 Church - The Constitution of the Excelsior Springs Church
- Husbands, Love Your Wives
- I Am With Thee
- I'm Converted, Now What?
- Imprecatory Prayers (5-part series)
- In the World, But Not of the World
- Independent Churches - A Biblical Defense (2-part series)
- Inequality (2-part series)
- Interview on the Honest Christian Conversations Podcast - Do the Sign Gifts Still Exist?
- Interview on the Honest Christian Conversations Podcast - Word of Faith Movement
- Interview on the Financial Freedom Podcast with Dr. Christopher Loo Featuring Pastor Chad Wagner
- Interview on the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast with Robert Thibodeau Featuring Pastor Chad Wagner
- Interview on the Refuge Freedom Stories Podcast With Jonnie Taverner Featuring Chad Wagner
- Interview: "The True Grace of God" Book
- Irresistible Grace vs. Irresistible Gospel
- Isaiah 40 (23-part series)
- Isaiah 53 (10-part series)
- Israel: The Synagogue of Satan (4-part series)
- Made in the Image of God
- Made Men
- Making Things Work
- Marijuana
- Marriage (3-part series)
- Mask Mandates and Romans 13 (2-part series)
- Mayor's Prayer Breakfast Prayer Against Tyranny
- Melchisedec's Priesthood (5-part series)
- Micah 4:1-7 (2-part series)
- Millennialism, End Times, and the Reign of Christ (12-part series)
- Modest Clothing (2-part series)
- Money and Wealth (xx-part series)
- Money Management (2-part series)
- More About Jesus
- Mourning the Loss of a Loved One
- Music in Church (4-part series)
- Pagan Names (4-part series)
- Partaking of the Divine Nature
- Pastoral Authority (2-part series)
- Paul on Mars' Hill (2-part series)
- Peter - From an Immature to a Mature Christian
- Practical Lessons from the Doctrine of Sovereign Grace
- Prayer
- Preparing Your Kids for the Real World (13-part series)
- Preservation of the Saints vs. Perseverance of the Saints
- Preterism Refutation (11-part series)
- Pride and Self-Esteem (2-part series)
- Principles and Character
- Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace (62-part series)
- Proverbs (series)
- Psalm 37 (21-part series)
- Psalm 144:12-15 Preached Backwards (2-part series)
- Salvation in a Nutshell – 1Pe 1:1-5
- Satan (32-part series)
- Search Me, O God (2-part series)
- Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God (last sermon to Minneapolis Church)
- Serving God From The Heart
- Seven Worlds of the Bible
- Seventy Weeks Prophecy (12-part series)
- Should Christians Support Donald Trump? (3-part series)
- Slavery (3-part series)
- So You Want a King, Huh?
- Sorrow
- Sovereign Grace (2-part series)
- Steven Anderson is Wrong About Repenting of Sin
- Suffering and Deliverance (47-part series)
- Sunday School and Children's Church
- Take Advantage of Your Pastor (Detroit Church)
- Teaching Sovereign Grace to a Six-Year-Old (3-part series)
- The Beginning of a Journey (3-part series)
- The Blessing of Abasement (2-part series)
- The Book of Numbers
- The Brevity of Life
- The Christian and the Old Testament (7-part series)
- The Death of Jesus Christ (2-part series)
- The Deity of Jesus Christ (2-part series)
- The Digital Invasion (6-part series)
- The Faith of Jesus Christ
- The Five Kingdoms of God
- The Form of the House (Eze 43:10-12)
- The Hatred of God – God Hates Sin AND Sinners (2-part series)
- The Hidden Gospel (2-part series)
- The Holy Spirit (11-part series)
- The Humanity of Jesus Christ
- The Husband of One Wife
- The Judgment of God For Wars of Aggression
- The Kingdom of Heaven IS the Kingdom of God
- The Lord's Supper
- The Lord's Supper (2025)
- The Names of Jesus (7-part series)
- The NIV Denies the Deity of Jesus Christ (3-part series)
- The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ (Heb 6:1-2) (6-part series)
- The Promises to Abraham
- The Proper Care and Feeding of Pastors
- The Purpose of the Gospel (2-part series)
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- The Rich Young Ruler (Philippines)
- The Sermon I Would Preach to a Room Full of Heathen
- The Sign Gifts (3-part series)
- The Sonship of Jesus Christ - Refuting the Heresy of Eternal Generation (2-part series)
- The Trinity (2-part series)
- The Will of God (3-part series)
- The World Famous Woman - Luke 7:36-50
- There's A War For Your Minds, Kids (2-part series)
- Things That Will Make or Break a Church
- Thoughts on Ordination
- Throw Away Your Strong's Concordance
- Total Depravity (2-part series)
- Trusting In and Fearing Men
- Two Everythings (15-part series)
- Walking by Faith, Not by Sight
- What it Means to be a Church
- What it Would Have Been Like to Be Jesus (3-part series)
- What Keeps People from Submitting to Jesus Christ? (3-part series)
- What Parts of the New Testament Apply to Whom? (5-part series)
- What You Need to Know Before Joining Our Church (9-part series)
- When Do We Resist Evil and Defend Ourselves?
- When God Doesn't Make Sense (3-part series)
- Who Is Jesus Christ? (A Bible Study for Children)
- Why Christianity is the Only True Religion (3-part series)
- Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
- Why God Allows Trouble in the Church and How to Deal With It (2-part series)
- Why Tarriest Thou? Arise and be Baptized
- Why Trump Lost and Biden Won
- Why We Are Not Primitive Baptists (3-part series)
- Why We Believe In God - A Reasonable Answer
- Why We Don't Celebrate Christmas (3-part series)
- Why We Use the KJV
- Wokism (9-part series)
- Word of Faith Movement Refutation (3-part series)
- Wrong Reasons for Pastoring a Church